Chapter 6 (edited)

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(Imagine the above gorgeous hunk as a twin)

The ballroom was full; the potential donations that we would be receiving tonight really excited me. Unlike most people in my position who sent other people to do their work I had actually visited the children's cancer ward and had seen first hand the devastation both physically and financially that cancer can have on a family and it touched my heart. I had even asked the business office which families were having the most difficult time and had made anonymous donations. No one, not even Monique knew that I had done this; just my accountant and the hospital business office. It made me feel good to do this and it helped me sleep at night.

 I walked around with a champagne glass, shaking hands and hobnobbing with Seattle's richest most successful people. A lot of these people I knew from when I first took over at Sinclair and a lot I was getting to know. I had turned to walk back towards my table when an older, distinguished looking gentleman approached me and he was followed by two of the most gorgeous looking twins I'd ever seen. I hadn't felt that kind of heat between my legs in several years.

"Mrs. Sinclair?" the older man asked sticking out his hand. I grasped his hand and said "It's just Ms. now. I'm widowed." 

 He bowed and said "My apologies and please accept my deepest sympathy on your loss." Well I hadn't expected that but it was kind of him. "Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Angelo Silvano and my sons, Adrian and Aiden Silvano." 

 I was impressed. "The Angelo Silvano of Silvano and Sons?" He chuckled. "Si, one and the same" he said. "Piacere di conoscerti (Nice to meet you)" I replied in Italian. He raised an eyebrow and asked me in Italian "You speak my language of the old country?" I nodded. "Si. I spent a year in Sicily and fell in love with the food, the language and the people. I taught myself so I hope I am doing it justice" I said smiling. 

 His reply was he lifted my hand to his lips and said "You have done well. I'm impressed." "Grazie (thank you)" I said. We continued to talk a little more and then before he headed to his table he handed me his business card. "I would like to talk shop with you sometime if you can spare me a little time I can make it worth your while" he said. I nodded and told him I would call him Monday morning. He nodded and turned to leave when his sons grabbed my hands, lifted them to their lips and said they would be seeing me later. What just happened here? I thought. I shook my head and went off to prepare for my speech.

Monique stood at the microphone getting ready to introduce me. "Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Sinclair Industries 10th Annual Charity Ball and Gala!" The guests clapped. "I would like to introduce you to my boss and Sinclair's CEO and President, Chelsea Sinclair!" 

 I received a standing ovation; blushing because I didn't feel like I deserved I put up a manicured hand asking for them to please stop. "Thank you. You are too kind. As all of you know our Children's Hospital here in Seattle has done extraordinary work in cancer research and other childhood diseases but funding is hard to come by and they are even more dependent on companies such as Sinclair Industries to help them when funding is low. It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to three outstanding doctors from Children's...Dr. Michael Green, Dr. Linda Pasquino and Dr. Allan Comacho." 

 These doctors deserved the ovation, which they got and when the applause had died down Monique brought me the check. "It gives me such a full heart to present a check in the amount of $12 million! Oh my, ladies and gentlemen! You have out given yourselves tonight! I'm...just...I don't know what to say other than thank you on behalf of Sinclair Industries! Doctors, here you go and congratulations and please keep up your tireless efforts when it comes to your research. God bless!" 

I ended by handing them the check. They were moved by the generosity. We posed for pictures and then they left the stage. "I've been instructed to let you know the bar is open and so is the dance floor! Please enjoy the rest of your evening!" I exited the stage and went to find Monique.

I found Monique on the dance floor and decided what the heck and joined in with her and Anastasia from Accounting. I found after three glasses of champagne, two tequila shots and three amaretto sours I was feeling good. I didn't really realize what was going on until it was too late and by then I didn't care. 

 Monique was behind me, I was in the middle and Anastasia was in front facing me; Ana pulled my hands above my head while Monique's hands were on my hips and our bodies were dancing to Nick Jonas Chains. It didn't seem like we were calling any undo attention but it just wasn't how a CEO should act. I played it off as that was fun, let's do it again sometime and walked to the bar.

"Water with lemon please" I asked from the bartender. "That was quite the performance" a deep, husky voice remarked. I turned to see one of the Silvano twins smirking at me. I shrugged trying to play it down. "I shouldn't have participated. It was inappropriate to carry on like that at a company event." He looked puzzled for a moment and said "Do you really feel that way?" 

 I was confused now, about the feelings that little performance illicited. "I...I don't really know anymore" my voice sad and distant. I stood a little taller and stuck my hand out. "It was a pleasure meeting you, Mr. Silvano" I said all business. 

 "It's Aiden and the pleasure was all mine baby" he said smoothly as he rubbed my knuckles with his thumb. "We will see you sooner rather than later" he added with a wink and walked off. I texted Douglas that I was ready to go; he said he was outside waiting. I slipped into the open door and collapsed against the seat. I couldn't wait to get home and climb into bed.

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