Chapter 12 (edited)

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(Twins POV)

Adrian and Aiden left work around four that afternoon so they could go home and get ready for their date tonight with Chelsea.  Aiden had already made reservations and made sure they had a private dining booth, they didn't want to be disturbed or interrupted in their time with her tonight.  

Aiden had just stepped out of the bathroom, towel wrapped around his waist, and still dripping with water.  Adrian was about to get in when his brother stopped him.  

"Chelsea called and thanked us for the flowers" he said grinning.  "Did she now?  What was her reaction?" Adrian asked.  He frowned.  

"She actually was quite overcome and stated that no one had ever sent her flowers before."  Adrian slapped his shoulder.  "Good call, my man.  Good call" he said as he started to strip off his shirt to get into the shower.  

Aiden and Adrian were very good looking men, some might even say model material.  They stood 6'2", dark brown hair, light facial hair and milk chocolate eyes.  They had gorgeous bodies; well cared for bodies.  They worked out religiously, well defined chest muscles, abs that could cut glass, beautiful pecs and strong, well muscled legs.  

Shockingly, not from a lack of females trying but both brothers had put a halt to their playboy ways around two years ago when they first laid eyes on Chelsea Sinclair.  They had lusted after her and dare say fallen in love with her around that time as well.  She had been in their sights for quite some time now and finally tonight they hoped to have her.

Aiden and Adrian shared everything; a house, cars, clothes and once upon a time women.  But they only wanted one woman now, Chelsea.  They still liked to hang out at their club but they never went beyond talking with women at the club, buying an occasional drink and turning down propositions at every turn.  They had just opened the club about six months ago...Pleasures.  

It was a regular club downstairs but upstairs is where you could make your fantasies come true and the twins had been working with Monique to get Chelsea there but she wasn't quite at the point of darkening the doors yet.  Monique had told them how her boss felt about clubbing with employees and how it would look.  

They couldn't fault her for looking out for her reputation and that of Sinclair Ind.  In fact, they respected her for it and deep down they hoped that once the sell of the company went through, they wouldn't be able to keep her from the club.

The twins chose fitted gray dress pants, dark blue collared dress shirts and black dress shoes; they looked completely edible.  If Adrian was nervous it didn't show but Aiden was, he couldn't help it.  He hoped that any signal she gave off tonight would be loud and clear and it would let him know how to proceed.  

Chelsea didn't seem the type for games, more like if she saw something she wanted she went for it and he prayed he was right.  If he could just kiss her tonight that would help with some of the angst he was feeling.  

The twins had been in one serious relationship before and both had been incredibly hurt.  Her name was Bella and she was their fiance; now of course by law you can only marry one person and Aiden was to be her husband but the night before they were to have the ceremony, Bella had been found with another man and it had been going on for a while.  

Adrian was hurt and in time he got over it but Aiden was really hurt by this betrayal of the worst kind and never thought he would start to feel anything for another woman, until Chelsea.  She was breaking him down and in a good way.  "Hey bro" Adrian said tearing him away from his thoughts.  "You ready?" he asked.  Aiden nodded.  "As ready as I'll ever be" he answered.

(Chelsea's POV)

"Douglas, you won't need to pick me up tonight from dinner" I told my driver.  "I will have a way home tonight."  

"Ms. Chelsea I'm glad to see you smiling and going out.  Please have a good time" he said as he opened the door for me.  

"Thank you Douglas.  It feels good to be getting out and I definitely know I'm gonna have a great time" I said smiling.  He shut the door for me, got in and drove me to the restaurant.  

I was glad we left at quarter after, traffic was a little brutal tonight but finally we pulled up outside at Nishino's and the valet opened the door for her.  Douglas put his window down and wished me a good evening. 

 I smiled and said thank you as the attendant opened the door for me.  The hostess greeted me warmly as she asked my name.  "Chelsea Sinclair.  I'm having dinner with Aiden and Adrian Silvano for seven o'clock."  

She consulted her list and smiled.  "Yes m'am.  Your party has arrived.  Would you follow me please?"  I thanked her and followed her to what seemed like we were going somewhere private and my stomach decided to do flip flops.  

I was really going to be alone with them this evening.  I was a grown up and I could handle this.  I wanted this and I wasn't in the mood for playing games.  I was going after what I wanted and I wanted them both.

Chelsea's eyes locked with both men as she saw them look at each other, their feelings needed no words to pick up on how they both were feeling.

 Both men rose as I got closer to their booth.  I hoped at the moment my eyes locked with theirs that my legs had the strength to hold me up.  They were pure sex; they radiated it all over the place.  

My body was betraying me in ways that it hadn't in a very long time.  I felt that need and want building inside and by the nights end I knew very good and well both men would be coming home with me and I would have them both in my bed.  

I reached Adrian first.  "Hello" I said softly as he kissed my hand.  

"You look amazing" Adrian said smiling.  

"Thanks" I replied back, blushing and then I saw Aiden; I was drawn to both men, equally, but there was something that pulled me toward Aiden more.  

He put his mouth to my ear and whispered "You look beautiful in that dress but I really want to rip it from your body right now."  

Jesus, Mary and Joseph!  Oh it was game on.  I looked him right in the eyes and said "I'll see if I can make that happen."  

Leaving him with his mouth agape, I slid into the booth next to Adrian and we ordered drinks, all three of us silently wondering where the night would take us.  

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