Chapter 63 (edited)

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Seven-thirty came way too early and I have no idea how the twins even had the energy to be up before that but they were; I was alone in our bed but I wasn't lonely and I laid there with a big grin on my face. 

 I started to get up and as soon as my feet hit the floor and I took a step I hissed.  God they made me so sore!  I snickered to myself knowing that our sexcapades made it hard for me to walk; I knew that a hot shower was just what I needed; I walked into the bathroom and started the water and while waiting for it to heat up I went to pick out an outfit to wear for work.  

I chose a grey fitted dress, that was sleeveless and had an overlapping lapel; I paired it with navy blue suede heels, a navy blue suede simple jacket, some antique looking earrings I found at a vintage shop and Estee Lauder Pleasures.  I laughed out loud at the name of my perfume...Pleasures; ironic.  

I decided to keep a light makeup with a sheer pink lip gloss this time instead of the nude that I always wear and I wore my hair up in a high ponytail after flat ironing it.  I loved how I looked this morning; the twins made me glow!  I looked down one more time at my ring and ran my finger over the engraving; first Adrian's name, then mine and finally Aiden's.  It let everyone now who I belonged to and who belonged to me.  I smiled softly as I grabbed my Chanel purse and work satchel and headed downstairs.

The entire Silvano clan was gathered around the breakfast table and had just started to dig into pancakes when I walked in.  

"Good morning everyone!" I said brightly, grinning like an idiot at my handsome fiances.  I grabbed my coffee as Adrian stood up and pulled out my chair and Aiden kissed my cheek; after sitting down I received a sweet kiss from Adrian as he took my plate and put a couple of pancakes on it and then Aiden grabbed it and put some fresh fruit on it.  If they kept this up I would never have to do anything by myself ever again!  

"Sleep well, precious?" Aiden asked between bites.  I loved his nickname for me.  

"Why darling you know I did.  How about you?" I said grinning at him.

  "Like a rock" he said grinning; Lord help me he looked so young when he grinned like that. 

 "And how about you, Mr. Silvano?  Did you sleep well?" I asked of Adrian. 

 He smirked at me and said "I haven't slept that good in a long time, kitten."  And there's my sexy dominant; panty-dropping smirk...God!

The rest of breakfast was uneventful, thank God, because I don't know how much more flirting and sexual innuendos I could handle before going to work; I didn't want to be sexually frustrated all day I needed to concentrate for Pete's sake and it wasn't easy having sex-on-legs for boyfriends.

  I finished my breakfast, rinsed off my plate and ran back upstairs to brush my teeth and grab my charging cell phone; when I finished I noticed that Marco was waiting for me by the entry way downstairs.  

"Chelsea, I am going to accompany you to Sinclair this morning; Angelo is wanting me to check out Operations" he said smiling.  

"Fantastic!" I said. 

 "Have you met Chris Helms, the COO yet?" I asked.  

He shook his head no and said "We have been talking on the phone and via email but we finally synced our calendars, had a free day, so we are jumping at the chance to meet today."  

I filled him in on Chris' history with Sinclair, etc.  We had a very pleasant talk in the car on the way and he talked a lot about the twin's mom, Mia.  She sounded like a beautiful and wonderful woman; I was a little sad that I had never gotten to meet her.

Duffy dropped us off at the entrance and I asked Marco to follow me and I would take him to Chris' office; we jumped in the next available elevator and went to the 34th floor, got off and walked up to the reception desk.

  "Good morning Tia" I said to the pretty girl behind the desk.  

"Good morning Ms. Sinclair" she answered professionally.  

"Tia, this is Marco Silvano, he is Angelo Silvano's twin brother and the head of Operations at Silvano and Sons.  He's here to meet with Chris today" I said to her.  She stuck out her hand and shook with Marco. 

 "It's a pleasure to meet you and have you here, Mr. Silvano" she said politely.  He laughed and when he did he sounded just like Angelo. 

 "Tia, my dear, my father was Mr. Silvano.  Please just call me Marco, it makes me feel younger" he said winking at her; sly fox!  He's a flirter, just like Angelo!  She smiled shyly, picked up the phone and called Chris; just a few minutes later Chris came out of his office.  I received a bright smile and hug from him. 

 "Chelsea, it's so good to see you darlin!" he said enthusiastically.  Chris came to us from Temple, Texas ten years ago; his Southern twang and cowboyish good looks set everyone that met him at ease.  He was about 6'4", sandy blonde hair, green eyes, and built; he lived in Wrangler jeans, plaid button down shirts and cowboy boots.  He stuck his hand out to Marco.  

"Marco, it's a pleasure meetin you!" he said pumping the man's hand. 

 "Alright then, I'll leave you guys to it; Marco I'll will see you later and Chris it was good seeing you and please tell Rona hello for me" I said as I headed back to the elevator.  

I made it back down to my floor and found Stella hard at work. 

 "Chelsea!" she said as she jumped up hugging me.  

"Hey Stel!" I said smiling at her. 

 "I'm so glad you're back" she said and animatedly began telling me about our day.  I sighed and dug right in; it was good to be back at work.  I had two meetings; one with the two managers over the Finance department and then a group meeting with them.  Once that was over, I was meeting with Legal to finish up the paperwork that would leave us owning our building free and clear. 

 That right there was a tremendous feeling as I remembered back to when I had taken over Sinclair Industries and found out how close we were to losing our building.  I went, hat-in-hand, to the bank and just spoke honestly about what had been going on and then presented them with my plan to start getting us back in good graces and eventually pay off the building. 

 I was never so glad to find someone that had faith in me that day and decided to give me a chance.  Their gamble had paid off and so had mine.  I took in a deep breath, let it out and went on to my next meeting feeling good about the day's work ahead.

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