Chapter 33 (edited)

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I wish I could put into words what I was feeling being here with the Silvano family.  They made me see how a family should treat and act towards one another; something I'd never experienced.  

My mom and dad were good to each other but they were never overly touchy with each other, they did a good job of hiding their emotions.  I was glad that I wasn't closed off like that, I wouldn't be able to stand myself if I was. 

 I had taken my glass of wine and wandered off to the open balcony doors, stepped out  in awe.  There was a beautiful garden full of wild flowers, it looked natural and untouched, a light up water fountain, in-ground swimming pool and a gazebo covered Jacuzzi.  It was huge and landscaped to a T. 

 "It's beautiful isn't it?" I realized that Aiden was now standing next to me.  

"It's breathtaking" I responded. 

 He turned to me, his hand on my cheek and said "Not as breathtaking as you."  Geez there wasn't anything this man could ever do to make me not love him.  He made me feel so good about myself. 

 He leaned in and gave me that signature Aiden kiss and I let it go on as long as he could give it but we were interrupted by someone clearing their throat.  I grinned against Aiden's lips and turned to see a smiling Adrian.  He pointed to his lips and I beckoned him with my finger to come closer and was kissed until my lips were swollen and plump.  

"You look so sexy" he breathed against my mouth. 

 "Thank you, sir" I replied.  "You both are pretty high up on the 'yummy' scale" I said smiling at them both.  They asked if I was ready to go into the party and I said "Let's go for it!"  I took both their arms as we followed Angelo and the rest of the family.

I saw Charles and his wife, Ruth; Hudson and his wife, Stephanie, plus a whole lot of business partners of Angelo's.  I was so thankful that no one had brought up Christian, I don't know how I would have handled that. 

 I was in a small group talking with Angelo, Charles, Marco and Sylvia when a ghost from my past broke my peace of mind.  "Hello Chelsea."  I reached for Angelo's arm to steady myself and through a muted sound I heard Sylvia and Marco ask me if I was okay; I know I must have had fear all over my face as I swallowed hard and slowly turned around.  It was Casey Livingston; I hadn't seen him in two years.  The very last time was the night Christian almost killed me. 

 "Casey, what are you doing here?" I asked my voice barely audible.  I felt Angelo's hand tighten around my hand that was still griping his arm. 

 "I'm here with my wife" he stated and then I felt Angelo stiffen as a beautiful raven haired beauty walked up and put her arm possessively around Casey. 

 "Bella, why are you here?" Angelo asked in an angry tone, one that I had never imagined I would hear from him. 

"You still do business with my father, no?" she asked curtly.  Angelo nodded yes. 

 "He invited us to come with him" she said, her tone very disrespectful.

I continued to stare at Casey.  Hold it together Sinclair I kept telling myself. 

 "Chelsea" Casey started.  "I'm so sorry about everything."  

I looked at him like he had two heads. 

 "You're sorry?" I asked incredulously and scoffed.

  "I've been in rehab and therapy for almost two years" he stated as if that meant something to me. 

 "Well I'm happy for you" I snapped sarcastically.  

Bella turned and glared at me and said "You might try not being a bitch for a moment and let him talk." 

 "Excuse me?"  I said, mad now.  "Do you have any idea what your husband put me through for two solid years?" I asked through clinched teeth.  

She stood up straighter and said "Well he hasn't told me everything but I do know some."  I laughed at her.

  "Well when he decides to be completely honest and tells you everything come find me then and tell me not to be a bitch.  Excuse me, I can't be here right now" I said starting to walk off but not before I heard Angelo tell Casey to stay away from me and he told Bella to stay away from Adrian and Aiden.  Sylvia and Marco made some threats of their own and followed us into the main hall.

My feet were on autopilot as Angelo gently steered me in the right direction. 

 "Chelsea" he said gently.  "I had no idea that's who she married or that she was coming tonight.  Her father knows better and I will be having a conversation with him later on" he promised.  

I couldn't look at him for fear of losing it but I did squeeze his hand letting him know I heard what he said.  Aiden and Adrian were talking to two men from Silvano and Sons when they looked up and saw Angelo motioning them to come over. 

 I was still kind of out of it from seeing Casey but I heard Angelo tell Aiden to take me to dance while he spoke with Adrian.  I let Aiden lead me to the floor as the DJ started to play Ella Henderson Yours and he pressed his body to mine, his smell and touch bringing me out of my haze; I laid my head on his shoulder and sighed as the words of the song washed over me. 

 I watched Adrian's facial expression go from one of disbelief, to frustration, to anger and then he was brought back by Angelo.  I imagined that Angelo said it wasn't worth it and to let it go.  God bless him, their father was bound and determined to help me forget my past, just like his sons. 

 Question was, could I let it go on my own without help?  I guess time would tell.  Aiden's voice helped bring me back to the present as he said "Baby what happened?"  He was concerned. 

 I tried to smile at him when I said "My past happened" and I laid my head back down on his shoulder as we finished our dance.  I would tell him later but for now I just wanted to be in his arms.

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