Chapter 32 (edited)

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I looked at the finished product of myself in the mirror and was very pleased with what I saw.  It had gotten a little colder since the wind had picked up so I brought a wrap just in case.  

I left my hair in big curls and with my makeup, jewelry and shoes I felt like a princess.  I went out to talk with Monique while I waited for a call from Duffy.  

"Hubba hubba!" Monique said, whistling while asking me to turn around.  "You look totally hot!" she said.  "Are you nervous?" she asked. 

 "Just a little" I said honestly.  "But if the rest of the family and others I am meeting are anything like Angelo, Marco, the twins and Sylvia I should be good" I said smiling; about that time my phone went off and it was four-thirty on the dot. 

 "Good afternoon Duffy" I said politely. 

 "Ms. Chelsea, I hope you are well?" he asked. 

 "I am.  And you?" I replied.  "Exceptionally well" he returned. 

 "I am downstairs now, ma'm" he said.  I told him I would be right down.  I grabbed my small rolling suitcase and hugged Monique goodbye. 

 "I expect a full blown detailed report of this weekends activities" she yelled as I went out the door and headed to the elevator.

Duffy smiled when he saw me come out the front entrance doors of Sinclair.  "Ms. Chelsea you will surely be the belle of the ball this evening" he said sweetly. 

 I blushed a little and told him thank you; he took my bag and put it in the trunk after I was safely inside the car.  "Mr. Angelo wanted me to let you know that Sylvia will be waiting for you at the door and she will bring you to his study.  The party doesn't actually start until six but he wanted you there early so the immediate family could spend time with you before the guests start arriving" he said.  

"Oh thank you.  That sounds great" I said.  We rode the rest of the way in silence as the soft and soothing sounds of Puccini came through the car's sound system.  I found my palms getting a little sweaty, something that I hadn't experienced in a very long time. 

 I knew it was nerves; I just wanted to make a good impression.  I know for a fact that Angelo would not have gone to all this trouble if I wasn't going to be accepted into his family.

We pulled up to a gorgeous Italian Villa; the landscaping was immaculate, lush and beautiful especially for this time of year.  The lighting around the estate was beautifully done as well, showcasing gorgeous vegetation, flowers and trees.  It looked to be two-story maybe three, windows galore for that open feel I loved so much. 

 I couldn't wait to see the backyard if it was as beautiful as the front.  Duffy jumped out as soon as we got stopped, opened my door and then went to the trunk to retrieve my bag. 

 "I will see you later this evening Ms. Chelsea" he said as he sat my bag on the porch.  I am assuming he was going to park the car to keep the driveway clear for the guests.  I didn't have to knock or ring a bell because the door swung open and there was a smiling Sylvia to greet me. 

 "Hello my dear" she said softly.  "You look absolutely breathtaking" she commented.  

"Thank you Sylvia.  You look amazing as well" I said referring to her red off-the-shoulder cocktail dress.  She instructed one of the house staff to take my bag to the twins room.  

"Come my dear.  Angelo, Marco and the boys are waiting for you in his study.  We have a few other family members that are coming as well but they will be here later" she said taking my arm.

We walked arm-in-arm to Angelo's study.  "This house is magnificent" I remarked. 

 "It truly is" Sylvia replied.  "You will definitely get a tour later this weekend.  I'm glad you will be staying through, it will give everyone a chance to spend time with you plus our family hasn't been together like this since Christmas."  

We arrived at Angelo's study and went in.  Angelo and Marco were both wearing light blue button down dress shirts with black dress pants; they looked so handsome; they looked exactly the same with the exception that Marco's nose was slightly crooked from an accident when he was a child.  

Adrian and Aiden looked amazing; they were both all in black; I just couldn't ever get enough of them.  There were two other men there, one seemed younger than the twins and the other man looked to be around Angelo's age.  I learned they were father and son and the older man was Angelo's brother and the younger man was his son.  

(conversation in Italian) "Angelo" I said as we hugged.  "Thank you for inviting me into your beautiful home.  It's absolutely stunning." 

 "Thank you my dear and might I say you look very beautiful this evening.  My sons are truly blessed and lucky men."  I went to Marco next.  

"Marco, you look dashing" I said grinning at him.  "Chelsea you truly are a beauty" he said kissing both my cheeks.  I gladly received kisses from Adrian and Aiden who couldn't seem to keep their eyes off me. 

 I was then introduced to Alberto, Angelo's brother, and Alfredo, Alberto's son.  They both were from Italy but lived here in the states and divided their time between the two countries. 

 We toasted with glasses of Prosseco, talked, laughed and just had an amazing time waiting for the party to start.  I could easily see myself calling these wonderful people mi familia (my family). 

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