Chapter 59 (edited)

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Brett had been chewing my ear off for almost an hour now; why it was bad to date two men at once, the appearance, hadn't I learned anything from being married to Christian.  That last statement is what hurt the most.  

"Brett" I said a little angry now.  "Adrian and Aiden Silvano are worlds apart from Christian.  They aren't even in the same atmosphere.  God, you don't even know them and yet you are comparing them to someone who only wished he could be in their league.  They are kind, sweet, loving, compassionate and above all they treat everyone with honesty and dignity.  I can't find anyone who has anything bad to say about the entire Silvano family.  

They have accepted me, with all my fucked up baggage and for once someone is taking care of me and I don't have to worry about an argument turning into a trip to the hospital."  It got very quiet. 

 "I'm sorry Chels.  I'm just trying to look out for you" he said sounding a little hurt.  

"Brett, I appreciate it more than you know.  You kept me going in the beginning but now it's time for us to be like brother and sister; you have Chloe and I have the twins.  I still want you in my life, you and Chloe.  Does that make any sense at all?" I asked thoroughly agitated by the conversation.  He said yes, it made perfect sense; we finished up our conversation and hung up.  I went and pulled on some leggings, a sweater and my boots and headed outside.

I wandered outside in the backyard and came across an old fashioned tire swing.  I smiled and thought to myself wow I hadn't been on one of these in a long time as I climbed up and sat on the top of the tire, just kind of gently moving with the breeze.  I hadn't realized that the twins had been trying to call or that I had left my phone in the house. 

 I was just completely thrown by Brett's tone and I realized now the more I appeared with the twins the more people would come out and tell me the way I was living my life was wrong.  But you know what?  I didn't give a rat's ass.  I love them and they love me; end of story.  I was done living my life for someone else's happiness; it was Chelsea's turn to be happy and I was gloriously happy, damn them!  

(Adrian's POV)

"Mr. Adrian, she's fine sir.  She's outside, in the backyard, on the tire swing" Duffy was talking with Adrian.  He'd gotten concerned when neither he nor Aiden could get her on her cell.  

"She's on the tire swing?" Adrian asked incredulously.  

"Yes sir.  She had a rather lengthy and upsetting conversation with Brett Sinclair and after she finished the call, she dressed and went outside" Duffy related. 

 "Did you hear any of the conversation?" Adrian asked. 

 "Only it was rather passionate and concerned you and Mr. Aiden.  Ms. Chelsea fought gallantly for both of you and I dare say she shut him up pretty quickly" Duffy explained.  Adrian huffed.  Close-minded people always irritated him to no end.  

"Does she seem okay, Duffy?" Adrian asked.  The man paused only a moment before answering. 

 "She's not crying and she doesn't look mad or upset.  I think she is just enjoying being outside.  I wouldn't worry sir.  Ms. Chelsea is a strong one" Duffy said very wisely.  

"That she is Duffy, that she is.  We are taking her to dinner this evening.  Please have the car ready by six.  Thank you" Adrian said before hanging up.
(Chelsea's POV)

I wasn't sure how long I'd been outside but it was long enough that I could tell the sun had changed it's position in the sky.  I sighed, climbed down off the swing and went in to see the real time.  I walked in to see Duffy standing in the kitchen speaking with the cook. 

 "Hey Duffy" I said smiling at the man. 

 "Good afternoon Ms. Chelsea" he said politely.  Holy crap!  It was already one thirty in the afternoon!  Had I really been out there this whole time?  Time had really gotten away from me so it seems. 

 "Ms. Chelsea I just spoke with Mr. Adrian.  He and Mr. Aiden were quite concerned that you hadn't picked up your phone so they called me.  I set their mind at ease but you might give them a ring as soon as possible" he said.  

"Thank you Duffy.  I will do that right now" I said heading upstairs to retrieve my phone.  I grabbed it and headed into the bathroom; I needed to soak in a hot bubble bath.  I started the water and added the bubbles and then picked up my phone.  Shit!  Six missed calls from Adrian, seven from Aiden and a butt load of text messages.  I stripped, climbed into the tub and dialed Adrian's number.  If I was lucky I'd be able to talk with both of them.

The first ring hadn't even finished before I heard Adrian's sexy voice. 

 "Kitten" my dominant said.  Uh oh.  

"Hey baby" I said softly.  "Adrian I'm sorry I worried you and Aiden.  I honestly hadn't realized that I'd left my phone in our room until Duffy told me that you guys had been trying to call.  I was just outside enjoying the fresh air.  I really am sorry.  Am I forgiven?"  I heard him exhale. 

 "There's nothing to forgive, babe.  Duffy overheard your conversation with Brett and then filled us in when we called asking if he'd seen you.  Are you okay?" he asked concern lacing his voice then I heard him tell Aiden I was on the phone. 

 "I'm putting you on speaker Chels" Adrian said.  "Yeah I'm fine.  I guess I was just hurt and shocked by his reaction when I told him that I was seeing both of you.  I listened to his side and I totally get where he's coming from, but as I heatedly explained the difference between you two and Christian is a totally different atmosphere.  There is no comparison.  He just doesn't want me getting hurt" I finished.  

"Are you afraid of getting hurt?" Aiden asked.  I answered right away. 

 "No, I'm not."  We talked a bit more and then both of them wanted details about my bath, knowing where this conversation was heading I told them they would get all of the soapy details over dinner.  I could practically hear them pouting over the phone.  I hung up laughing at them.  My boys...they were too much.

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