Chapter 70 (edited)

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The weather was starting to get nicer as we were approaching March and our lives seemed to be getting back to normal.  Detective Chance had told us they suspected Casey had left the city due to the pressure they were putting on trying to smoke him out.  Everyone seemed okay with that explanation but they are all forgetting that I knew the man for two years and he never walked away that easily from anything.  

Friday was here and I was wearing a printed tee shirt, dark skinny jeans and black heels; as CFO I had told our department if they could keep it professional looking, Friday's would be jeans day and I was all about being comfortable. 

 Our day started out as it always did; breakfast together, talking and laughing, riding into work and then the work day but today would by no means be 'normal.'  We were going on a family outing this weekend on the yacht and I was going to cook for everyone, so on my lunch I was running out to pick up a few things. 

 "Stella, do you want me to grab lunch on the way back?" I asked my assistant.  She said no that she was running an errand as well but would walk down with me.  We grabbed our purses and headed out of the building, greeting our security personnel on the way out.

Stella and I had stopped right outside of the building on the walk talking to another employee when screeching tires drew our attention backwards and then I saw him.  It was Casey and he was walking towards me like it was something normal he did everyday. 

 I yelled at Stella to call the police but before she could pull out her cell phone Casey shot her; I don't know where but I watched her crumple to the ground.  People started running for their lives, me included. 

 I threw off my heels and was pounding the pavement with my bare feet when I felt a horrible stinging sensation in my lower back; Casey had used a stun gun to drop me.  He scooped me up, threw me over his shoulder and walked quickly back to his car, placed me in the trunk and sped off.  No one tried to intervene because they saw what he did to Stella.  This was it; today was the day I was going to die.

I was jolted awake by very cold water being thrown in my face.  I sucked in air very hard, my lungs hurting as I tried to focus on the image in front of me.  I couldn't tell where I was but it was cold, dark and secluded; maybe it was a warehouse, I didn't know but what I did know was my worst nightmare was standing in front of me, bending over, hands on his knees, staring at me with empty eyes, his hand gripping a gun. 

 "Casey" my voice wavered as I said his name.  

"Did I tell you that you could speak?" he yelled as he slapped me hard across my mouth; I tasted blood and every memory, every dark thought, every nightmare that I had worked so hard for the last two years was flooding back.

  I whimpered from the pain, hung my head and didn't dare say anything else.  He didn't want me to talk but he didn't like me ignoring him either, so he gripped the back of my head, my hair twisted in his leather covered fingers and pulled hard causing me to cry out from the immense pain he'd just inflicted.

It felt like I'd been here forever, my throat and lips now dry from lack of water; I peeked through my hair to see Casey pacing back and forth, his hands on top of his head, carrying on a conversation with himself and getting more agitated by the second.  My heart felt like it would beat out of my chest; I was scared. 

 "You know this is all your fault really" he said causing me to snap my head in his direction.  "If you'd just let Christian have his way, instead of fighting him like always, he'd still be here, the three of us would still be together and I would have you.  You would be mine" his voice menacing.  

I scoffed; wrong thing to do when you are face-to-face with a madman.  

"Are you mocking me, cunt?" he yelled as he kicked me, my side exploding with pain. 

 "Oh God" I cried out from the pain.  He laughed and it made my blood run cold.  

"God can't help you now" his words low and deadly.

"Casey, please just kill me.  Please" I begged.  He'd been beating on me for what seemed like an hour. 

 "Kill you?" he questioned.  "Kill you?  I'm not gonna kill you Chelsea.  I'm gonna beat you real good, fuck you real good and when there isn't much left of you, I will give you back to them.  Let's see how much they love you then, when I dump your bleeding, broken and used body on their doorstep.  They'll throw you away like yesterday's garbage" he laughed. 

 My eyes were burning with tears caused by his hateful words.  I knew I shouldn't anger him or egg him on but I'd had enough.  He was going to kill me anyway, just get it over with already.  My heart broke for Adrian and Aiden, hell the whole family. 

 I knew they would morn my loss.  My heart was also breaking at the fact that I would never feel their touch again, hear their voices, or how my body felt when they made love to me.  It was all being taken away from me by a coward.

"Come on then you coward" I taunted.  "Give it your best.  Christian always did and I manged to survive him.  You're just a weak, sad little man who couldn't stand on his own without his precious friend telling him it was okay.  You only existed in his shadow.  You know he used to say how worthless you were that you would just let anyone walk all over you and use you and keep coming back for more."  

I didn't see his fist coming but I felt it as my head bounced off the brick wall that I was chained to. 

 "Shut up!" he screamed.  "You don't know what you're fuckin talkin about!" he roared.  "Christian loved me and he chose me to get all those women we fucked.  Me!" he yelled.  

My vision was so blurred and his voice sounded like we were under water; I kept trying to pass out but he would bring me back with a slap or ice cold water to the face.  All the while I'm praying that God will let it be over soon because I couldn't take much more.  I was tired, so tired.  I just wanted it to end.

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