Chapter 40 (edited)

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I just stood there and looked at myself in the mirror and couldn't believe the woman that was staring back at me.  Monique had made me look hot!  She put big, soft curls in my hair and slightly teased it so it looked sexy and wild and for my makeup she did dark kohl liner around my eyes with the dark, smoky eye shadow, blush and nude lips; all of this with my six inch leather heels and I was ready to blow everyone away.   

 Monique hadn't seen the total picture yet, I had made her get out while I was putting on my dress but as soon as I walked out she let out a low whistle. 

 "Holy shit, Chels!  If I was a lesbian and didn't love dick, I would hit on you!  You look hot!" she cat called.  She made me blush and giggle.  Lord help us tonight was all I could think.  I told Monique that I was having Douglas drive us that way we could drink all night if we wanted to.  I was hoping that maybe the two of us would be going home with someone tonight but I didn't want to get my hopes up.

My phone pinged and I told Monique it was time.  She came out dressed in a tight red dress that fit her like a glove; she was a ginger so she had that beautiful red hair and porcelain skin and she looked amazing. 

 "Monique you look absolutely stunning!  You make me look plain!" I said joking with her.  She scoffed and said hardly.  She had also told me that they have lockers at the club so we can lock up our purses and they work on a thumb scan type system so there was no key or card to keep up with.  

Douglas just gave us a smile while holding the door open for us; we slid in like giggling high school girls going out on a Friday night.  It didn't take long to get to Pleasures but I had poured Monique and I a shot of Patron and it was just as much for me as it was for her because my nerves were shot. 

 I told Douglas that I would text him if we needed a ride home and he told me to have a good time and he would keep his phone on.  I said thanks and Monique and I disappeared inside.

The huge bouncer at the door seemed to know Monique and know her quite well.  When she introduced me, he looked like he already knew about me and pulled out a small lock box that had a combo lock on it and when he opened it he pulled out a diamond bracelet that had small links like the old ID bracelets that were popular when we were in school.  It was platinum and in chocolate diamonds it spelled out TAKEN and when he asked for my wrist I looked puzzled.  

"Mr. Adrian and Mr. Aiden knew at some point that you would be coming here and they had this made for you because they did not want any other men to approach you" he completely explained what the bracelet meant and it made me feel so good.  

Monique made sure that he knew not to announce the fact that I was here, it was to be a surprise.  He nodded his acknowledgement and we disappeared inside the frosted door.  Monique led me to the lockers and showed me how they worked; once our purses were safely locked up we headed to the crowded bar and ordered two shots of Patron; after we threw those back it was time to hit the dance floor.

We were feeling pretty good from the Patron when the DJ started playing Naughty Girl by Beyonce' and when Monique and I started dancing together to say we had people looking at us would be an understatement but what I didn't know was that someone had already called upstairs and told Adrian and Aiden that Monique was there and that she was dancing with a fine, hot woman, one that no one had seen before.  

The twins weren't interested in a pick up but they were interested in who Monique had brought to their club.  When they looked over on to the dance floor they both stopped dead in their tracks; it was Chelsea, their Chelsea, and she was looking good enough to eat.  Chelsea had her front to Monique when she happened to look up into the VIP section and saw the twins looking down at them.  

They saw her mouth the word surprise at them and they picked up immediately what she was trying to convey.  Chelsea had wanted to surprise them and boy did she.  Reluctantly they backed away so their girlfriend wouldn't see them until she was ready.

Monique leaned over and half yelled at Chelsea "Let me know when you think you're ready for upstairs" she said winking at her.  I looked at her and said

 "I'm ready.  I'm horny and I want my men!"  She laughed at my straightforwardness and grabbed my hand and led me to the door that would take me to my deepest, darkest fantasies. 

 The bouncer there knew Monique and when he saw my bracelet he said "Ms. Chelsea, welcome to Pleasures."  How the heck did he know about me too?  I just shook my head and laughed.  The lighting changed to blue light which gave a very sexy hue and the fabric covering the walls was a deep, dark velvet purple and there was dark wood and brass everywhere.  

While I was busy taking in the surroundings I didn't see my twins but they were looking at me and when I finally found their gaze I couldn't believe what I was seeing!  Both of them were in fitted black leather pants, black silk button down collared shirts and black motorcycle boots; they were sex on legs and they were all mine.  I stalked towards them and couldn't wait to see what the night would bring.

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