Chapter 93 (edited)

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I don't think I've ever experienced anything wrench my heart like driving away from that home and leaving Andy and Andrea; I held it together until we got in the car and drove away and then I broke down.  We had been told that the case worker would speak with the children about their visit, talk with the director and our attorney and then get back with us as soon as she could.

  One thing that made me feel immensely happy were the hugs and kisses we received when we were about to leave.  We could hear the children excitedly telling the director about the house, their rooms, the toys, books, the yard, just everything we did with them and my heart soared with joy at being able to give them that. 

 I laid my head against the car seat, closing my eyes bringing back from memory everything they said to me, their laughs and how they sounded when they talked; they were precious personified.  It had been hard on the other adults in the house as well; those two had captured Angelo, Marco and Sylvia's hearts the moment they walked in the house.

When we got home I got out of the car and headed straight for the backyard; once pristine and uncluttered there was surely evidence that children had been at play there.  I mindlessly walked around the yard, picking up the toys and putting them in the boxes we had purchased to hold them and then I knew exactly what I needed...the swing.  I walked over to the tire swing, climbed on and just sat there thinking.  

There was a slight breeze and it seemed to carry their laughter on it.  "Chelsea!  Push me higher!" Andy called out.  "Me next Chelsea!" cried Andrea.  I shook my head at the thoughts, wondering if this is the same emotions that pregnant women go through waiting for the birth of their children.  

"God please" I begged.  "Those children need us, they need a good home.  I don't ask for much, but please" I cried.  I finally pulled myself together enough to go in the house although I'm sure my eyes were red and swollen.  The twins had left me alone because they understood what I was feeling and that some 'alone time' would do me some good.

I walked up the stairs to the children's room, they had been such good little angels by picking up everything and even trying to make their beds.  I grinned at the thought of them struggling to get the comforters pulled up and being proud that they had done it.

  I pulled the comforters off, then the sheets, pillowcases and grabbed their hamper; I wanted them to have clean sheets and clothes for when they came back.  I couldn't make my mind think anything but that.  After stripping the bed and gathering their clothes hamper I went into the bathroom they shared and gathered the towels and washrags and closed the shower curtain.

  I hauled everything down to the laundry room and got the wash machine started then grabbed some cleaning supplies and went back up to their bathroom, cleaned the tub, the toilet, the counter and the basin, then I used a Windex wipe and cleaned the mirror; satisfied I gathered my supplies and headed back down to put them away.  Happy with my completed tasks I decided it was time to associate with everyone else now.

Sylvia had been hard at work preparing dinner. 

 "Do you need any help, Aunt Syl?" I asked smiling at her.

  "Could you finish chopping those veggies over there?" she asked pointing at the counter. 

 "Sure" I said picking up the knife and beginning to chop. 

 "You okay, sweetie?" she asked kindly.  

"I am" I answered honestly.  "I just didn't realize how easy it was to get attached so quickly and lively?  Boy did they run me ragged!" I said laughing at the memories. 

 "But it was a good ragged, wasn't it?" she asked.  I smiled at the thought.  

"Yeah it was."  We switched topics and continued preparing and finishing up dinner.  Sylvia had marinated steaks all day in her secret marinade and the vegetables that I had chopped were going on water-soaked skewers, that along with huge potatoes for baking; everything we were having would be prepared on the grill. 

 "Let's have dinner outside" I said.  Sylvia said that sounded like a great idea so I went and washed off the outside table, put a pretty cloth on it, gathered the silverware, plates, glasses and napkins and set the table.  I chose a bottle of Pinot Noir that would pair nicely with the red meat; it looked like we were all set.

I went into Angelo's study where the four men were having cigars and drinking scotch on the balcony. 

 "Hey we need our grill master to don his apron and get started on supper" I said playfully nudging Marco.  He seemed to be the only one that could cook steak to everyone's liking.  "We're eating outside tonight" I explained and told them to bring their cigars and drinks and have them outside with Sylvia and I.  

The twins and I followed Angelo and Marco to the kitchen. 

 "You doing okay now?" Adrian asked.  

"We know you miss them, Chelsea.  We do too" Aiden added. 

 "I'm doing okay, really.  I got their sheets washed and their clothes and cleaned their bathroom.  It helped actually, doing all that.  Might as well get used to it, right?"  I said smiling and kissing them both on the cheek.

Supper with the family was awesome; the food was excellent, as always, and we just laughed and talked about everything and nothing, drinking our wine and enjoying each other's company.  I had surprised everyone by making my biscotti and received lots of cheers when I brought them out.  

"Just so you know" I started.  "These are made with an extra special ingredient."  I got some curious looks at that statement.  "Andy and Andrea helped me make them" I said proudly as I took a bite.  They were as delicious as I remembered. 

 Sylvia had made us some coffee and we settling back in and enjoying our sweet treats when Adrian received a phone call.  I didn't think anything of it until he looked at me. 

 "Really?" he said, that poker face intact.  "Are they sure?" he continued.  He exhaled and said "Okay, thank you for letting us know."  I stood up, something just made me.  

"What is it, Adrian?" I sounded almost panicked.  

"Well, mom" he started grinning at me.  "We can pick up our children tomorrow afternoon at the courthouse.  The adoption is going through and the judge will sign off tomorrow!"  My hand flew to my mouth as I choked back a sob.  

"Are you serious?" I asked crying. 

 He nodded as he grabbed me into a hug.  Aiden joined us as Angelo toasted "To family!" 

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