Chapter 85 (edited)

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Well our reception was in full swing; we'd just finished with pictures and now it was time for our dances.  The twins let me pick the songs to our first dance so for mine and Adrian's dance I chose John Legend's All of Me; as the music started I found myself lost in his gaze knowing at this very moment how much he loved me and I him.

  I loved the fact that we were so connected we didn't need words to get across the emotions running through our bodies; as if right on cue Adrian leaned down and kissed me passionately, so much so I was glad I was holding on to him for stability. 

 "I love you, Mr. Silvano" I said to him as we danced.  

"I love you too, Mrs. Silvano" he replied and I couldn't help but smiling; I was a Silvano now and I had everything I'd ever wanted...true love, family, friends and soon children.  My heart felt full.  When our song ended I received an additional kiss from Adrian before he handed me off to Aiden.  I had chosen A Thousand Years by Christina Perri for our song and I loved so much how I felt in his arms. 

 "Aiden you have made me so happy" I said looking up at him, smiling.  

"Have I now?" he replied.

  I playfully slapped his chest and said "You know you have."  He just continued smiling at me and I knew from there on out I would never tire of seeing either one of them looking at me like that.

When our song finished, Angelo came over to me asking for a dance.  "Daughter, may I?" he asked.  As we whirled around the dance floor Adrian had grabbed Aunt Sylvia while Aiden danced with Stella and by the end of an hour we had managed to dance with our family and friends but I had one more dance coming, from Brett. 

 "Sis, may I?" he asked holding his hand out for me to take. 

 "Thank you for coming" I said sniffling a bit. 

 "I may be hard headed and stubborn and not exactly understand what's going on here today but there's no way I would miss out on seeing you this happy" he answered smiling down at me.  "Plus Chloe threatened to kick my butt if we didn't come today" he added as I laughed. 

 "She's so very good for you, I think" I smiled at him.  He nodded. 

 "She is and despite everything you went through with Christian, somehow in all the fucked up things that happened, he inadvertently put us on the path to meeting who we would spend the rest of our lives with and for that I'm thankful" his voice thick with emotion.  I looked at him, surprise on my face.  

"Are you going to ask Chloe to marry you?" I asked excitedly.  He nodded and I squealed and hugged him.  "I'm so happy for you!" I shrieked.

I was danced out but it seems like Aiden was still going strong; he was dancing with Monique now so I went over to Adrian who was just looking out over the beautiful foliage in the backyard.

  "A penny for your thoughts?" I asked softly, reaching for his arm.  He turned, smiling at me and hooked his arm around my waist and drew me close to him. 

 "I was just thinking how lucky we are.  Most people look their entire lives for someone that loves them without thought and they never find it, but look at us" he smiled.

  I turned to face him, my strong and brilliant man, a man who loves me, like he said, without thought and begged "Kiss me."  I didn't receive that trademark Adrian kiss but instead it was soft, simple and sweet, filled with the emotion of a lifetime.  When we finally pulled apart I searched his eyes, looking for what he was feeling and found pure love.  

"May I cut in?" a familiar voice sounded out.  I turned to see Aiden smiling at us. 

 "I think I will go ask Aunt Syl if she's up for another dance" Adrian said.

  "I don't know how you're not tired right now" I said laughing.  He just shrugged and gave me that smile that I would walk through fire to see. 

 "Are you happy?" I asked softly as he pulled me to his chest.  

"Happy doesn't even describe what I'm feeling right now" he answered truthfully. 

 "Kiss me, Aid" was my plea.  Cupping his hands on either side of my face, he just looked at me for a bit, like he was memorizing every part of my face, gently bowed his lips to mine and carried me away for a moment.

  "I love you Chels" he breathed.

The cake that Stella's niece had made for us was to die for; it was a four-tiered Italian cream cake and it melted in your mouth.  I had jokingly told her that from now on she would be in charge of desserts for any and all functions.  We did everything that you would do for a normal wedding; feeding of the cake, the garters (yes two!) and throwing of the bouquet. 

 It had been the perfect end to a perfect day, in my book but I was told it was only the start of exciting things to come.  I still didn't have any idea where the twins were whisking me away to but I didn't care as long as I was with them both and could have them all to myself; the only thing that they would tell me was we would be gone for two weeks!  I just couldn't imagine having two whole weeks with them but it was happening.  

They had changed from their wedding attire into new black jeans, loafers, and soft grey V-neck long sleeved shirts; they were breathtakingly handsome.  Ana had picked out the perfect going-away outfit for me; it was a short, strapless dress, the bodice was white and the skirt was a floral print; I'd left my hair up but Monique helped me take the flowers out and I just left my sandals on. 

 I was ready to go, my heart was beating fast as the excitement of the day was now spilling over into the dusk.  We said our goodbyes to everyone, as Duffy loaded our luggage into the car and away we went to the airport.

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