Chapter 90 (edited)

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Coming back home was not as hard as I thought it would be, knowing I was coming home to a loving family and friends made it easier but what I would miss was the uninterrupted time that I had with Adrian and Aiden.  It was my little piece of heaven on earth.  It was Friday, early afternoon when Duffy pulled the car up to our home; I hadn't realized how much I'd missed Silvano estates.  I was tired but it was a good tired. 

 "Home sweet home" Adrian said sticking out his hand for me to take.  I got out grinning and took a deep breath.  

"It's good to be home, isn't it?" I asked kissing his cheek.  Duffy and another staff member grabbed our bags and said they would take them to our room; Adrian had already gone into the house so I waited for Aiden, sliding my arm in his we walked in together but before we could walk across the threshold he swooped me up, bridal style, carried me across the entrance and said "Welcome home, Mrs. Silvano."  I squealed with joy as he sat me down. 

 "You're crazy" I said jokingly. 

 He pulled me to his chest and said "Yeah but I'm your crazy" and kissed me.

  "Totally" I said a little breathless.  

Adrian broke into our moment by saying "We need to talk, dad's study now.  Both of you."  I looked at Aiden for answers but he just shrugged his shoulders.

"What's wrong, Adrian" I asked as we walked into Angelo's study.  He had a letter in his hand and while looking at me he handed it to Aiden.  I watched Aiden's expression as he read the paper; it was like his brother's poker face, nothing.  God how frustrating!  I was about to say something when he handed me the paper.  It was from their attorney, regarding adoption.  The letter stated that one of the homes he works with had contacted him saying that the state had placed five year old twins with them; a boy and a girl.

  There was more neglect than abuse which is why they were taken into custody.  The state and the home were wanting to get them placed as quickly as possible because the case worker felt they would thrive better in a family setting than in the home.  I sat on the couch, slowly, my heart beating wildly as I felt like I was fighting for breath.  

I continued to read on.  We had already passed our background checks, Adrian had told his attorney to start on that a while back, and they were willing to let us have a weekend visit with the children, if they wanted to, and then we could go from there.

"How did this happen so quickly?" my voice barely audible.  "I thought it would take a year." 

 Adrian was in front of me, down on his knees, taking my hands in his he answered "They said it could take up to a year depending on the circumstances.  Infants are the most sought after but children of this age are in desperate need of adopting."  I looked at him. 

 "Did you know about this?" I asked.  He nodded.

  "Dad had called me and told me about the letter.  Before we left I asked him to get in touch with me should anything come through while we were gone."  I looked at Aiden. 

 "Did you know?"  He nodded his head yes.  I stared at the letter again, trying to process what I was reading. 

 "Chelsea, this is what you wanted" Adrian said gently.

  "I know but..." I just shook my head.  "Are you having second thoughts?" asked Aiden.  "No, but we just got married, we just came home..." I was having diarrhea of the mouth when Adrian pushed his lips to mine.  

"Can I speak?" he asked jokingly.  I saw what he did and gave him a playful slap on the arm.  "Is this what you want, Chels?" he asked, serious Adrian is back now. 

 "It is but..." I started.

  "No buts, Chelsea" said Aiden.  

 "Yes, I want this more than anything" I said honestly.  

"Great!" said Adrian slapping his knees as he stood to his feet.  "We have a meeting with our attorney, at the home, at six this evening" he finished.  

"But Adrian!" I cried standing up.  "The kids need beds, clothes, toys, toothbrushes..." I rambled.  He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the study and up the stairs, we walked past our suite and stopped at a door across the hall, he opened it slowly to reveal a miracle! 

 There were two twin beds set up across the room from each other.  The little boy liked Monsters, Inc. and the little girl loved Frozen; their beds had the comforters, the windows had the curtains, there were toys and books and clothes and shoes in the closet.

  The same on the little girl's side of the room; I went to her closet and pulled out a little pink ruffled sundress.  It was so small. 

"Is she this tiny?" I asked in wonder.  Aiden showed me the bathroom; it had been decorated in light greens and blues since they would be sharing a bathroom; they had their own side of the sink and their own shampoo and soap in the shower.  Oh my God this was really happening!

I paced around the bedroom, it was quarter to five.  I was a nervous wreck.  Would they like me?  Would they want to come home for the weekend?  What were they like?  Were they smart?  Were they funny?  Holy God, help me I cried inside myself.  Was I ready to be a mother?  Could I be a mother? 

 I was having that wonderful internal battle with my mind again when it hit me.  Hell if I could be the CEO of a corporation, not knowing anything at all, and it be a success wouldn't the same principal apply here as well?  I knew I already had certain nurturing instincts, I had been told that I had a great capacity for love and I was smart; I could do this.

  I went to my closet and pulled out a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a light fabric baby blue sweater and silver sandals; I kept my hair down and light makeup.  I just thought of something...I don't even know what their names are!  I grabbed my purse and headed downstairs.

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