Chapter 86 (edited)

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Once we arrived at the airport Duffy retrieved our bags from the car, told us goodbye and we walked into the terminal and then I realized where we were going...Sicily, Italy!  I looked at both of them and smiled so widely my mouth hurt.  We were flying first class and they had rented a secluded villa for two glorious weeks!  We made it through security and customs with no problems or delays and made our way to the departing terminal.  We had about forty minutes to spare before they started the initial boarding, so while the twins were sending final instructions, via email, to the people that worked under them at Silvano and Sons, I walked over to one of the little shops and purchased a pair of sunglasses.

  I started making my way back over to where Adrian and Aiden were sitting to find two very forward flight attendants shamelessly flirting with them.  I wasn't jealous but just shook my head at the audacity especially since they were both wearing their wedding bands.  I walked over very calmly, cut them both off by walking in front of them and took my seat in between them, laying possessive hands on their thighs. 

 I wished I'd taken a picture of their expressions but if looks could kill I would be dead right now.  They got the hint but then I realized they were the attendants for our flight; oh geez!  I would be putting up with them for the next fifteen hours until we switched planes in Catania.  Adrian and Aiden both smirked at me and all I did was grin.  Life with these two was never going to be boring.

I was getting antsy when they finally called for the boarding of first class passengers; Adrian stood up and grabbed my hand, I put my purse strap up on my my shoulder and grabbed Aiden's hand as we started down the long hallway to our plane.  I was glad that my seat was between them and that we weren't split up.

  I was still having to deal with the looks from the flight attendants but I just chocked it up to jealously on their part; there was no part of me that had any reason to mistrust the twins.  The captain came on over the intercom, told us about the weather, our flight time and what to expect from our flight attendants.  I was starting to get really excited; I had been to Sicily, twice, but this time was different because it was a whole different set of circumstances bringing me was pleasure not work.

I couldn't believe that we'd been in the air almost six hours already; we'd had some cocktails and lunch and when the flight attendant came back around asking if we needed anything Adrian asked her for some champagne.  She smiled and asked what the occasion was so Adrian told her. 

 "We just got married" he said referring to the three of us.  She looked totally confused at what he'd just said.  "Technically it was a commitment ceremony and my wife legally changed her name to our last name and we are on our way to Sicily for our honeymoon" he made it sound very matter-of-fact and simple; well to us it was.  I was very surprised at her reaction to all of this.

  "Well we here at Delta wish you all the happiness and congratulations.  I'll be right back with your champagne" she said smiling brightly and with that we didn't have any issues the rest of the flight.  All the flight attendants actually ended up being very sweet and made the flight very enjoyable.

I was too excited to sleep although Adrian and Aiden didn't have any problems napping off and on; I listened to music, watched some movies and read but after a while I kind of started to feel like I was crashing so I leaned my head over onto Aiden's shoulder and drifted off to sleep.  I felt my body shudder a bit and then suddenly become warm, that's when I realized that Aiden had placed a blanket over the upper half of my body and was partially covering his lap.

  I don't know if it was the champagne or what but I was feeling horny as hell and had already decided as soon as we arrived at our destination the clothes were coming off and we were going to bed.  Being in the frisky mood I was, I slowly let my hand drift over on to Aiden's crotch and gently caressed him through his jeans. 

 "Precious" he said his voice very low.  "What are you doing?"  I loved feeling him grow under my hand as I continued to rub him.  I inconspicuously unzipped his jeans, reached my hand in and found him commando. 

 "Oh my God" I said under my breath.  "Do you want me to stop?" I asked him, my voice not sounding like my own.  

"Yes" he answered.  "But only because if you don't I will want to take you right here and I won't care who sees."  I gave him a last gentle squeeze before withdrawing my hand and zipping up his jeans.  I turned his face towards mine and placed a sweet kiss on his lips, sealing my promise to finish what I'd started.

Adrian finally came back to his seat and asked what was going on, I guess he could see Aiden's pained look. 

 I leaned over and whispered in his ear "I had my hand down his pants and I was teasing him." 

 He growled, but only where I could hear it and said "Oh kitten, you're such a tease.  We will both have our way with you very soon, that I can promise you."  I hummed appreciatively in his ear at the delicious threat and told him that I would expect nothing less out of them.  I changed gears a moment to get our minds off sex. 

 "I'm so excited about seeing Sicily with the both of you.  The other two times that I had been here I hardly saw the outside of an office building.  So is this why you guys were here for a week, setting all of this up?"  

Adrian nodded and Aiden added "We knew you wanted to come back and we couldn't think of a better occasion to bring you for than a honeymoon."  I just smiled at them, telling them how much I loved them.  The pilot said we were preparing for our descent; this was it!  Let the fun begin!

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