Chapter 48 (edited)

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After Adrian and I came back in from outside we didn't mention what happened out there, the flash drive, Casey, Christian or Bella.  I felt like the three of us had been cleansed from our pasts.  We found Aiden in the kitchen whipping up omelettes and I was glad because I was starving.  We talked about everything and we talked about nothing; I was enjoying myself very much.  

"So Chels, what kind of movies do you like?" Aiden asked.  I thought for a moment and replied.  "I love all of the James Bond movies; I am partial to the Sean Connery era and I totally lust after Daniel Craig."  I said wiggling my eyebrows and causing them to smirk.  "I also dig the Resident Evil movies, the Alien movies and Predator ones as well; as far as chick flicks go I love Steele Magnolias and The Ugly Truth, those are hilarious.  Oh and I like Mr. & Mrs. Smith."  

"Wow, that's quite the list" said Aiden.  I shrugged and said "I used to watch a lot of TV; it was kind of a necessity at the time and I found myself really getting into them." 

 Now it was Adrian's turn.  "When's your birthday?" he asked. 

 "April 21st" I replied.  The twins looked at each other and then back to me.  

"Are you serious?" asked Aiden. 

 I nodded slowly and said "Yeah, why?"  

They both answered "Ours is April 22nd!"!  No freakin way!  

"Really?!  What time were you born?" I asked, intrigued now. 

 "Well I'm the oldest" Adrian said sticking his chest out just a little.  "I was born at 6:36 a.m. and six minutes later at 6:42 this little guy came out" he said ruffling Aiden's hair.  

"Damn it, Adrian!" he shouted.  "I hate it when you do that!"  I held my mouth as I laughed at the display of brotherly love.  Then they both turned on me. 

 "Oh you think it's funny, do you?" Adrian said jokingly as he stalked towards me.  I tried to run but they had me cornered and Adrian put me over his shoulder and slapped my butt; now he and Aiden both were laughing as they hauled me up to our room.  I reached down and pinched Adrian's rock hard ass and received another swat on my butt to which I snickered. 

 I looked up as Aiden followed us and his eyes were gleaming like he was up to no good.  My insides clinched as I knew what was coming next and it was all good; I needed it and so did they.  As soon as we reached the room clothes were coming off and being thrown everywhere and the three of us soon lost ourselves in the moment.

"Good God!" I said breathlessly as I rolled onto my back, followed by Aiden on one side and Adrian on the other; we were sweaty, hot and very sated. 

 "Wow" Aiden said, his breathing still a bit uneven.  

"I know" Adrian said, kissing the top of my shoulder.  

"I'm not sure I will be able to walk after that" I said giggling.  

Adrian rolled over on top of me and kissing me fiercely he said "Good.  Let's you know we've been there" he intimated by rolling his hips into mine.  Dear God he was getting hard again. 

 I pushed him off playfully and said "Oh no buster.  My who-ha needs a break.  Later, stud!"  "Holy shit Chelsea!" Aiden said now rolling with laughter.  

"Did you just refer to your vagina as a 'who-ha'?"  I sat up grinning, my hair a hot mess and nodded. 

 "Laugh it up, Mr. Sexy" I joked as I got off the bed and wandered into the bathroom and started the shower.  I stuck my head back into the room for minute and found them still laying there naked and gloriously beautiful.  "I wanna go out for pizza tonight and after that have a movie night.  You boys up for that?" I asked. 

 "Sure" they both said as I grinned. 

 "Great!  What time?" I asked.  Adrian looked at his phone.  It was already five-thirty. 

 "How about as soon as we get ready?"  I said that sounded good and disappeared into the bathroom.

I chose stonewashed ripped skinny jeans, black suede knee boots, a white long sleeved Henley and a black tank underneath.  The outfit still looked a little plain so I grabbed a wide black studded belt and was happy with the choice.  I took my hair down and somehow managed to get it decent looking; applied light makeup and nude gloss.  

When I stepped out into the bedroom the twins were not there so I assumed that they were already to go and probably in Angelo's study or the kitchen.  I picked up my phone and small wallet, stuffed those in my back pockets, turned out the light and headed downstairs.  As I drew near to Angelo's study I could hear voices; Detective Chance, Angelo and the twins; I knew this was concerning me so I walked in.  

"Detective" I said holding out my hand. 

 "Chelsea" he said responding in kind.  "You look nice" he added. 

 "Thanks but I know you didn't just come out here for a social greeting, so what's up?" I questioned.  He cleared his throat and began. 

 "We identified Mr. Livingston as the person who dropped off the envelope at your apartment; we also identified his wife as the person who distracted the night security guard so her husband could sneak to the elevators.  It took him about fifteen minutes and then we saw him come back down the elevators and disappear through a side door.  

Now, herein lies the problem...he's not been at work and according to his wife, she doesn't know where he is either.  We don't believe her so we have set up a wire tap on her phone and have plain clothes watching their residence.  I persuaded a federal judge, given your history with Mr. Livingston, along with the note and the intrusion into your private residence to issue the wire tap and he concurred that the situation warranted it."  

I smiled as brightly as I could and said, much to everyone's surprise "Thank you for doing this.  I don't feel in any immediate danger because I am being very well protected and you have once again shown me why I was indeed lucky that you were assigned to my case two years ago.  I trust you will continue to let Angelo, Adrian and Aiden know of any new developments?  They will tell me if I need to know."  He said absolutely.  

"Great!  Now, I have a very important dinner date with my handsome boyfriends.  Have a great night Detective, Angelo." I added as I grabbed the twins hands and they walked us out the front door and told Duffy where we were going.  It felt so good to let all this shit go; question was, would I be able to keep it up?

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