Chapter 9 (edited)

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I had cleared my calendar for Angelo; I didn't want this opportunity to get away from me.  He started the business conversation and I listened. 

 "I am sure" he started. "That you are well aware of the fact that I have been interested in doing business with Sinclair Industries for quite some time."  I nodded and he continued.  "But unfortunately your late husband's reputation was not something that I was prepared to deal with."  He paused and I knew it was my turn now and I was nervous.  

"Yes sir.  I am well aware of this and that is why for the past two years I have worked very hard and tirelessly to rebuild that reputation.  When people hear the name Sinclair I don't want them to cringe.  I want them to be impressed because we hold ourselves to a higher standard.  I will be honest with you, Angelo.  It was hard at first.  A lot of people did not want to do business with me for two reasons:  a) the name Sinclair and b) I am a woman.  May I speak frankly?" I asked him.  

"Please do.  I enjoy speaking with you because you don't beat around the bush; you say what's in your heart.  You may speak plainly and I will not get offended" he added.  "I dealt with a lot of assholes.  They thought because I was tits and ass in a dress that they could either push me around or hit on me.  I quickly put to rest those trains of thought and before too long they knew I was all business and that I could do it better than them.  It was a hard road to hoe, but I eventually earned their respect and to those that still didn't want to give it, to hell with them."  I finished; now to see if he gets up and walks out.

Angelo Silvano studied me carefully for a moment and then threw his head back and laughed.  "I knew you were different the moment I laid eyes on you at the gala.  I had asked around about you as I had noticed a change in Sinclair around the time you took charge.  I have wanted to meet with you for a long time but I had my reputation to protect so I sat back and watched you work and I was very impressed.  It's a man's world, my dear, and when you are a woman you have to work harder for everything.  I'm not saying it makes it right, it's just the facts.  What are you proposing, Chelsea?" he inquired.

"I want to sell you Sinclair Industries" I stated as his eyes went wide.  "Why would you want to do that?  I'm flattered of course, but why are you wanting to sell?"  I took a deep breath, stared at my hands for a moment, looked back up at him and began.  

"Christian Sinclair was an asshole.  He was mean and brutal and I was young and naive.  He made me sole beneficiary of his entire estate and that includes Sinclair Ind.  I have worked for two years to bring it back and make it better than great.  But, Angelo, I'm tired.  I don't want to be the CEO anymore.  I just want a regular position here and come and go to work just like everyone else.  I need and want a life.  I have never had that before and I believe I deserve it.  Without getting into all the dirty details, my therapist told me that I'm entitled to taking my life back and that's what I intend to do.  I have done my due diligence on you as well.  If there was anyone that I wanted at the helm of my company, it's you and your sons.  Your reputation for being honest and treating people fairly is beyond reproach.  I'm so sure of this, I had my Legal department draft up a tentative contract outlining the few demands that I have for the person buying my company." 

 I finished by handing it to him and I gave him time to look it over.  "I will let you look it over.  Take your time.  I need to step out and have a word with my assistant.  I will be right back" I said getting up.  I could feel the gaze of the twins as I walked to the door and disappeared outside my office shutting the door behind me.

Angelo read the agreement, paused and looked up at his sons.  "What do you boys think?" he asked.  Since Adrian was the elder of the two he went first.  "I think she's got a lot of guts and courage.  I feel sorry for what she had to endure at the hands of Christian Sinclair if half of what I heard was true.  Pop, this company would be a feather in your cap.  It's exactly what you've been wanting for years.  I think if you really want this, move forward with it" he finished.  "Aiden?" his father asked.  

Aiden got up and walked around for a bit, rubbing his chin.  "I agree with Adrian, dad.  You've seen in two short years what she has accomplished here.  It's hard enough for an experienced man but she really knew nothing of the business and from what I've heard she spent hours throwing herself into this company to learn; starting with Finance, Legal, Operations, etc.  When she found out she had a company she could have sold it and been done with it but she didn't.  This would be a good purchase.  I would go as far as making another suggestion...keep the Sinclair name and add Silvano.  Doesn't matter if it's first or second.  It's a good business move."  Angelo looked proudly at his sons. 

 "Aiden, step out and see if Chelsea is ready to come back in, son."  

Aiden stepped outside to Monique's desk.  She smiled brightly at the man.  "How may I help you, Mr. Silvano?" she asked.  "I was looking for Ms. Sinclair" he said.  

"Yes sir.  Just turn right at the hall here and you will see her there in the waiting area.  She's actually probably staring out the window, that's what she does when she's thinking or needs to clear her mind."  The man thanked her and went off in search of the woman he and his brother were determined to have.

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