Chapter 66 (edited)

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This Sunday was Valentine's Day and I was so excited!  This would be the first one that meant anything to me. Christian's idea of Valentine's Day was to coke up and pass out. The twins didn't have to do anything for me, just having them in my life was enough. I had come back from lunch with Stella, walked into my office and stopped mid-stride.

 "Chels? What's wrong?" she asked concerned by the look on my face. 

 "Stella...please, please call Cathi right now and ask her to call this office" I said while widely walking around my desk; someone had left two dozen black roses on my desk and there was a card hanging off it. Stella picking up my phone broke me from the scary memories coming back to the forefront of my mind.

 "Put her on speaker please" I asked Stella, my voice barely audible. She nodded and I proceeded.


 "Yes m'am?" she answered.

 "Can you tell me who brought the black roses?" She paused. 

 "They were brought by an individual; I thought it was weird because he got out of a cab and had it wait for him" she replied. 

 "Okay. Do you remember anything about him? His hair, eyes, what he was wearing?" I asked; scared of the answer I would receive. 

 "Uh, he was Chris' height, blonde hair and his clothes looked disheveled."

 "Cathi, thank you" my voice small and insignificant now. I slowly hung up my phone and with a trembling hand I reached for the card.

I pulled back, grabbing a tissue first, I picked up the card by that and used another one to pull the card from the envelope. My eyes clouded over as I scanned the scribbled handwriting. Roses are black, violets are blue and at one time my dear Chelsea so were you. You have always been mine and I always get what I want. I will see you soon...Love always, C. The room started spinning as black dots swam in front of me and all I heard was Stella screaming "Chelsea!" before I hit the floor with a thud; the envelope, card and tissues floating to earth and landing next to me. 

 "Chelsea, can you hear me?" I recognized this voice but couldn't quite place it. 

"It's Dr. Jamison. Can you hear me?" he asked again. 

 "Yeah" I said feeling groggy and trying to focus my good eye. I was looking at our company doctor, Dr. Jamison, Stella, Monique, the twins, Angelo and Detective Chance who was holding an evidence bag with card and envelope; he also had the roses, vase and all, in a larger bag.

 "Please tell me you are taking those wretched, vile weeds with you?"

 I asked, my voice strained. He nodded and added "We spoke to Cathi and your assistant and we've also verified through security tapes that it was Livingston. I'm sorry Chelsea" he added.

"I'm not trying to be a bitch" I said sitting up "But I don't want a fucking 'sorry' I want him to leave me the hell alone and disappear!" I shouted, my heart rate up now; I leaned back against the couch and pinched the bridge of my nose. "I am so sorry for speaking to you that way" I half sobbed out. "I know you're doing the best you can. I would very much like to go home please" I said, standing with the doctor's help. 

 "Come on, baby" Adrian said. "Let's get you home, okay?" I looked at him through tears and nodded. The car ride was excruciatingly silent but you could read what everyone was feeling by their expressions; I however broke the silence. 

 "He won't stop, you know. Not until he has me or he's dead; either way he'll keep turning up like a bad penny" my voice even and devoid of emotion. 

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