Chapter 36 (edited)

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I still couldn't sleep.  You would think with all that sex I would have fallen into a deep slumber right away, but no, not tonight.  I quietly slipped from bed, grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled a note for the twins, then I grabbed my bikini and a towel and headed to the bathroom to change; I was gonna sit in the Jacuzzi; I knew that would do the trick. 

 I silently placed my note in between Adrian and Aiden and closed the door behind me.  I had made sure I was covered up with some blue jean shorts and a tee shirt before I left the room and put my hair up in a messy bun; I had made it to the kitchen and found Sylvia sitting at the table. 

 She grinned at me and I at her.  "Couldn't sleep?" she asked.  I shook my head no. 

 "Sometimes I can fall right to sleep and sometimes I couldn't buy an hour if I wanted to" I answered.  She nodded sympathetically as I continued.  "The twins are constantly on me about calling and waking them up if I can't sleep but I can't do that to them.  I just thought I would go out to the Jacuzzi if that's okay."  She said sure and described where the controls where and said that it should be good to go.  She hugged me and told me good night as I walked out the door and headed to the gazebo.

(Twins' POV)

Aiden stirred first and found the space where Chelsea had been laying was empty.  

"Hey" he said to his brother, his voice husky from sleep.  Adrian groaned and rolled over.  

"Any idea where our girlfriend slipped off to?" he asked his brother.  

"Uh uh" he mumbled, still rubbing his face.  Aiden saw the note and sighed.  

"She went to the Jacuzzi.  I should bend her over and spank her for not waking us up" he said a little frustrated.   

Adrian chuckled and said "You coming over to my side now, brother?"  Referring to his taste for spanking Chelsea.  

Aiden scoffed "Not hardly but in this case I think the situation calls for it.  She's so stubborn" he huffed.  

"Yes and that's why you love her so much" Adrian commented.  Aiden threw his body back down on the bed and exhaled. 

 "Yeah I do.  So, what should we do?" he asked his brother.  Adrian got out of bed and grabbed his swimming trunks from his dresser, slid them on and went to grab a towel, saying on the way "When in Rome, brother."  

Aiden jumped from bed, grabbed his trunks, slid them on and grabbed a towel as well and followed his brother.

They got to the back door just in time to watch their girlfriend undress before getting in the Jacuzzi.  First she took her shorts off and then came the shirt. 

 "Damn" both men breathed.  "She can sure fill out a bikini" Adrian said.  Aiden swallowed hard and said he wanted to take it off of her.  

Adrian laughed at him and said "You sure have turned into a horny little bastard since we met her" he joked.  

His brother gave him a lop-sided grin and said "I can't help it.  Look at her.  She's got a body that won't quit and now that I've had her, I want her all the time."  

Adrian slapped him on the shoulder and said "I know what you mean.  Let's go get our woman." 

 Chelsea was facing the house because she feared someone sneaking up on her and that thought unsettled her, so better safe than sorry.  She had just sat down when she looked up and saw the twins heading her way.  She couldn't help but grin at them both.

(Chelsea's POV)

"What brings you guys here?" I asked smiling at them. 

 "Oh just the fact that we woke up and our girlfriend was MIA, that's all" replied Aiden.  

"Sorry Aiden" I started "You guys just looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake you up so I thought I would take advantage of the Jacuzzi."  

I walked over so I could sit down between both of them, gently kissed Adrian and then Aiden and laid my head back on the side and closed my eyes.  All that could be heard at that time was the whirring of the jets and it was almost hypnotic and I started feeling like I was being lulled to sleep; I smiled as I felt both their lips on either side of my neck as they were kissing my skin behind my ears. 

 I placed my hands on their crotches and busted out laughing.  "Seriously you guys, do you ever think about anything other than sex?" I kidded with them.

 I opened my eyes to see them both lazily grinning at me and both of them said "Nope!"  

Okay, I'll play I thought and moved away from them so I could stand up, turned and faced them.

I started teasing them by pulling the string that held by bottoms together, I pulled it very slowly, never taking my eyes off of them; then I pulled the other string, picked up the bottom to my suit and threw it on the side of the Jacuzzi.  

I watched them both swallow hard as I pulled the string around my neck but still revealing nothing until I pulled the string behind my back causing the top to fall away from my body; I threw it to join the other piece of my suit and now I was standing bare and naked before them. 

 "Your turn" I said to them, my voice husky with need as I watched them shed their suits.  Adrian got up and walked over to me and then Aiden came in behind me, both of them kissing my wet skin, caressing me and telling me how much they needed and wanted me. 

 We ended up staying out there for about an hour, making love and enjoying each others bodies; after that I finally felt exhausted and was ready for bed.  

After we showered, we dressed, got into bed and immediately feel asleep wrapped up in each other.  No dreams tonight, no nightmares, just precious sleep for a change.

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