Chapter 3 (edited)

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It had been two weeks since 'the incident' that had put me in the hospital and I'm sad to say that things were back to the same as far as how Christian was treating me.  

I knew he would never change but he had me so beaten down, emotionally and mentally, that I was afraid to leave him; that I would be alone and in my mind I would rather be with him, in this fucked up situation, than  be alone.  I had discovered, quite by accident, that my husband was doing cocaine.  I got punched for that little incident.  I had dared open the door of his study to let him know lunch was ready and saw him snorting it.  

He liked to punch and hit me where no one could see the damage.  I enabled him to continue doing this to me because I couldn't find my spine and press charges.  Tonight would be the start of a new sadistic ritual; one that would pave the way for my descent, later, into sexual deviance and I would like it, dare I say love it and little did I know it would be my salvation.

I could hear Christian and his best friend, Casey Livingston and a woman's voice.  I just rolled my eyes and proceeded to grab my book and step from the room when Christian grabbed my arm and asked me where did I think I was going.  "I'm getting as far away from you as possible" I spat out.  "I am not going to sit any where near this room and listen to you fuck someone else in our bed.  I will be outside on the patio, reading" I said starting to turn.  

"Bitch, you aren't going anywhere.  You're going to watch this time and learn a few things" his voice was menacing and I knew he was serious.  

"Christian" I said my voice shaking now.  "Please don't make me do this" I begged.  He put his hands on my shoulders, grabbing my tee shirt he tore it from my body.  As he was doing this Casey and the woman suddenly appeared from the hallway.  I was mortified, standing there in my bra and panties.  

Christian grabbed a chair and before I knew what was happening he and Casey had forced me into it, wrapped rags around my wrists and ankles and then bound me with rope.  I figured out pretty quick the rags would keep any marks from showing up on my body.  Silent tears dripped from my eyes as the realization of what was going on hit me.

The woman came out of my bathroom, stark naked, and laid down on my bed.  I was so focused on her that I hadn't realized that Christian and Casey were naked as well and both men were stroking and touching themselves as they watched the woman pleasuring herself.  

I closed my eyes; I couldn't bear to watch, hearing it was bad enough.  I was literally jolted from my thoughts as the sting from Christian's hand across my lower face brought me back.  "You will keep your eyes open.  If I see them closed again I will make you regret it" his voice was dark and angry.  I knew he meant every word.  Even though my eyes were open, I tried very hard to take my mind some place else.  

I watched my husband lay lines of coke on the woman's stomach and then I watched him snort those lines off her body.  Casey laid some of the white powder at the opening of her sex and I had to watch and listen to him lick it from her.  This caused her to moan and arch her back; the more he licked the more excited she got until she climaxed.  

Christian had been stroking himself the whole time and when the woman had achieved her orgasm, Christian slid his cock into her mouth and demanded she suck him off.  While this was going on Casey had thrust himself into her and proceeded to slam into her with such fierceness, I was afraid for her; but she seemed to enjoy it very much.

"Oh yeah baby" Christian yelled at the woman.  "Suck my cock good!" he shouted as he pulled his member from her mouth and released himself on her stomach and at the same time Casey pulled out and relieved himself as well.  

I was sickened by everything I had just seen.  I vowed then and there that I was going to do everything in my power to get away from Christian or I would die trying.  Christian turned, smirking at me, and said "Did that turn you on babe?"  

I just glared at him.  How sick was he?  Why had I not seen this side of him before we married?  I knew, sadly, that what Brett had told me before our wedding about Christian was true.  He wasn't just jealous, he knew first hand and I hadn't listened to him.  I wished to God I had.  "No Christian.  It doesn't turn me on.  It turns my stomach and makes me sick!  You are a sick fuck!" I yelled at him.  I knew as soon as the words left my mouth I shouldn't have said them.

Christian yelled at Casey and the woman to leave and once they were out of the room, Christian yanked the ropes off my hands and feet and drug me roughly to the bed.  I felt him rip my bra and panties from my body and I was helpless to fight him, plus it would only turn him on if I fought with him.  

I laid there, looking over at the window, while he thrust wildly into my body.  It hurt like hell because I was not lubricated but he didn't care.  I disappeared somewhere inside myself until he was done and then I was allowed to get up and I walked slowly and gingerly into the bathroom.  

I shut the door and turned on the shower.  I had to get him off me and I had to do it now.  As soon as I stepped into the scalding shower I sunk to the shower floor and wept.  My body shook with racking sobs as I frantically scrubbed myself of him.  I hated him.  I even wished he would die.  He was slowly breaking my soul and if I didn't get out soon I would be broken beyond repair.

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