Chapter 88 (edited)

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I laid in bed for a while listening to their gentle breathing and finally made the decision to slip from bed.  I knew the jet lag would hit eventually but right now I couldn't buy sleep if it cost to do so.  I picked up one of the twin's shirts they were wearing earlier and put it on, threw my hair up in a messy bun, went to the kitchen and found the biggest wine glass I could, filled it with red wine and walked outside.

  I walked around the pool and found the perfect spot, on the waist-high wall, climbed up and leaned my back against the end; the view was spectacular.  It was cloudy but you could still see the moon, through the cottony billows and the lights from the town across from where our villa was and it made for a gorgeous landscape.  Sipping my wine, I went back through my thoughts; from January to present.  How did it all happen and so fast?  Were we meant to fall in love that quickly?  

I wasn't second guessing myself per se, it was just so new to me having people that cared for and loved me, would do anything for me, and have; it just made me more determined to be the best wife, friend, sister, daughter and person that I could be.  My thoughts then did a 180 as I thought about being someone's mother.  I took another drink of wine and wondered what it would feel like having someone call me 'mom'.  

Sighing, I picked up my glass and walked over to the diving board; very carefully I sat down on it and scooted myself to the very end and let my feet dangle in the water.  I caught my eyes drifting over my left hand so I stopped and looked at my rings.  The engagement ring was beautiful, elegant and simple; the wedding bands shimmered in the light from the moon as I fingered them, my mind going back to the vows that we said to one another. 

 They were beautiful words, full of meaning and hope, hope for a future I was never really sure of when I married Christian.  I mean who knows with the chain of events that took place, planets lining up or whatever you believe in, if I would have met the twins any other way, but from where I was sitting I would never try to figure it out again.  I was almost to the point of being thankful for what I'd gone through, not quite there but almost.

The wine did the trick, I felt relaxed enough to take a dip.  I carefully got myself off the diving board and walked over to one of the chairs, sat my glass on the table and took my shirt off; I took my hair down, shook it out and stepped into the water.  I submerged myself and swam all the way to one end and back again, coming up out of the water I exhaled.  That was exhilarating! 

 I swam a little more, floated some on my back staring up at the man in the moon and decided it was time to go back in; I would take a shower and crawl back in, hopefully I could sleep this time.  When I stood up I almost screamed out, Adrian was standing there grinning at me.  

"Dear God!" I exclaimed.

  "Sorry" he said and I almost believed him. 

 "Couldn't sleep again?" he asked. 

 "No" I sighed.  "I poured a glass of wine and thought between that and the water I would get there.  You?"  I watched him remove his boxer shorts and step into the water, wading his way towards me. 

 "I can always tell when you've left our bed.  Want to talk about it?" he asked pulling me to him.  I shivered from the contact our skin made, shaking my head I said no.

"Put your arms around me" he said.  I did.  "Now wrap your legs around my waist."  After doing this I could feel his hands cupping my behind as he walked us deeper into the water; not saying another word his mouth dropped to my neck and then shoulders as he planted little kisses on my wet skin, I could feel him licking and sucking with each movement. 

 "Adrian" I moaned as he continued to the other side, his erection digging into my sex.

  His lips now on my ear, he whispered "Kiss me, baby."  I dug deep, with a passion I didn't know I had rose to the surface as my lips devoured his, our tongues caressing and dancing with the flow.

 "My husband" I breathed against his lips; I could hear him groan at the term. 

 "My beautiful wife" he returned; my breath hitching.

 "Adrian" I sobbed.  "Make love to me."  He did, my amazing man, slipped easily into me, slowly and lovingly made sweet love to me and as we came undone together I realized that I would have this for the rest of my life.  

Aiden was still sound asleep as we slipped quietly into the bathroom; we showered in silence but we could feel the love radiating off one another, stepping to him I kissed him one more time before we got out. 

 "I'm scared sometimes at how much I love you" I confessed looking at his chest. 

 "Look at me" he said softly, raising my head our eyes met.  "Never be afraid of love, especially what the three of us have.  We believe, without any doubt, that you were sent to us and we to you.  I've never met anyone with a greater capacity to love than you and I thank God for you everyday.  Aiden nor I are ever worried about you having enough love or time or being enough for us.  You are more than enough."  

He kissed me hard, taking me one more time before we got out and went to bed.  People always refer to Hawaii as paradise but they don't have Adrian, Aiden or Sicily; they were my paradise.

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