Chapter 91 (edited)

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The meeting with the attorney and the home went beyond well.  We'd found out when we met with him at the home, that the little boy's name was Andrew David, he liked being called Andy, and the little girl's name was Andrea N'Cole. 

 They walked us into a room that had a two-way mirror and on the other side of the glass was the two most adorable looking children I'd ever seen; they had sandy brown hair, the cutest little noses and blue eyes; I was already getting emotional just looking at them.  Who could not want them?  How could someone neglect these precious babies? 

 I couldn't fathom in my mind how it was possible.  The director of the home, the case worker, the attorney, Adrian and Aiden would all stay behind and watch me interact with them first and then they would bring in my twins.  

"Do they know what's going on?" I asked anxiously.  The case worker said they had been told and were very excited about meeting us.  I took a deep breath, steadied my hand as I put it on the doorknob, turned it and walked in.  They stopped playing immediately and just stared at me.  Andrea whispered something to her brother and he looked back at me.

"She says that you are pretty" Andy relayed to me.  I sighed inwardly. 

 "Really?" I said.  "Well, tell her I said thank you and that I think she is very pretty too."  The little girl giggled at my words.  The little boy stepped forward and held out his hand. 

 "I'm Andrew David, but I like to be called Andy."  My goodness.  

I took his little hand, shook it and replied "It's nice to meet you Andy.  I'm Chelsea."  His sister came up and pulled my hand indicating to bend down to her level. 

 "I'm Andrea N'Cole" she whispered.  

I chuckled and whispered back "I'm very happy to meet you Andrea.  I'm Chelsea."  The rest of the time with the children was exhilarating, fun and an education.  You know the old saying 'kids say the darnedest things'?  They do!  It was hilarious and I could see many more moments like this with them.

  Andy had shown me what he was building with his Legos and it was quite good, then I colored with Andrea and found out her favorite color was purple.  

"Here" she said holding out the finished paper.  "I drawed this for you."  A little tear slipped down my cheek as I took the paper and studied the picture.  "Why are you crying?" she asked. 

 "Because this is the best thing that anyone has ever given me" I said proudly.  She threw her arms around my neck and then Andy wanted in on the action and soon we were rolling on the floor having a tickle fest.

The case worker said it was okay to talk with them about coming home with us for the weekend, so I decided to test the waters.

  "Hey, can you guys come sit here for a minute.  I want to ask you something really important" I said pointing to my lap.  

"What is it, Chelsea?" Andy asked. 

 "Well" I started "How would you two like to come home and visit with me for the weekend?"  They looked at me and then each other. 

 "You mean leave here and go with you?" Andrea asked.  I nodded.  

"Who do you live with?" Andy asked.  Gee, how to answer this question.  He was smart so I would answer him honestly.  

"You know how some homes have a mom and a dad, or just a mom or just a dad?"  He nodded so I continued.  "In my house there would be me, the mom, and two dads."  I let that sink in a moment. 

 "Are you married?" he asked.  I almost laughed out loud.  

I cleared my throat and said "Yes I am."  He wrinkled his little forehead and thought for a moment.  

"So you have two husbands?" he questioned. 

 "Well in a matter of speaking yes" I responded.  You could tell the wheels in this little fellow's head were spinning like mad.  

"Okay, cool.  What are their names?" he asked simply.

The little ones were excited when they met Adrian and Aiden, twins like them, Andrea pointed out very excitedly.  The five of us spent almost another hour together; reading, talking and playing when we were told it was time.  I didn't want to leave the room, not even for a second but I had to be a grown up now so I told them that I would be right back and we left the room. 

 I just stared at them through the window and said "How could anybody not want them?"  The director looked at me and said that not everyone was cut out to be a parent; just because you could have children didn't mean you should.  I agreed.  She also told me I was a natural with them and the case worker weighed in on that as well.  She said that they normally didn't warm up to people that quickly and she was excited to see how the weekend visit goes.  I turned around quickly looking at her.

  "You mean..." I started to say.  She nodded and said she was approving the weekend visit.

  "Thank you" I said tearing up.  Adrian and Aiden hugged me and told me what a natural I was with them.

I walked back into the room and received hugs and mouths moving ninety to nothing as they talked my ears off.  

"Well, come on" I said, holding my hands out to them.  They just looked at me.  

"You still want to come home with us for the weekend, don't you?" I asked.  They jumped up and down, yelling 'yea' at the tops of their lungs.  We thought it best to leave their belongings at the home; we didn't want to send the wrong idea after the weekend was up but that didn't stop them from asking about clothes, toys and other items.  We got them in the car, buckled them up and started home when I explained.

 "It's kind of a surprise and you will see when we get there but we have everything you guys will need for your stay."  

Andrea looked at me smiling and said "Everything?"  I nodded.  We talked and played I Spy and Punch Buggy on the way home and had a great time.  We finally pulled into the drive and their little eyes almost bugged out of their heads.

  "You live here?" Andy said, his voice in awe. 

 "Yes, we do" I answered. 

 "It looks like a princess' castle" said Andrea excitedly.  We couldn't help but laugh at her sweet statement.  This would be an interesting weekend to say the least!

(I just wanted to say that in the interest of a time line, etc. I sped up the adoption part of the story.  We have dear friends that just brought their newborn daughter home, she was adopted the week before Mother's Day, and they started the process a little under a year ago.  The agency they went through said that infants are desired more therefore there is a longer waiting list for them.  If the couple had wanted older children it wouldn't have taken so long.  Thanks for reading!)

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