Chapter 4 (edited)

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After enduring Christian's lifestyle for a year tonight would be the night that it was over.  Casey and another woman, another slut, was in my house.  Christian would make me watch and then fuck me afterwards just like so many nights before.  

The sad thing was the more I watched, the more I learned, and the more I learned, the more turned on I got and I would give Christian a run for his money in bed.  If he could abuse me then I would abuse him.  I would bite him and slap him while we fucked and it would get rough; hell I would even achieve orgasm after orgasm after these little trysts.  

Did that make me as sick as Christian?  Hell if I knew; I was just trying to survive.  I was on my period, hurting and not in the mood for watching or doing anything.  I thought sure since I had started indulging and in fact enjoying this sick little game that Christian would find a little compassion for me and let me off tonight.  No such luck.  It started with him yelling at me and calling me names; stupid, bitch, cunt, a waste of space, etc.  

I'd heard it all before but this time I couldn't take it anymore and I slapped him, slapped him hard.  Casey and the other woman couldn't believe what I'd done.  At this point I didn't care if Christian came at me and killed me at least I'd be free.  I didn't expect what happened next.

I saw his arm go back but before I could duck, the back of his hand connected with my mouth.  I tasted metallic in my mouth and knew it was blood.  Then he punched me in the side, this caused me to double over.  Next he grabbed my hair and threw me on the ground and started kicking me.  I rolled into the fetal position and tried to protect myself but I was quickly losing.  

I could hear Casey yelling at him to stop that he was going to kill me, but it didn't phase him, he was gone, had checked out.  Before I passed out I heard Casey on the phone to 911 yelling at the operator that he was going to kill her and to send the police quick.  Casey had the sense to get the woman out of the room and then he did something I never expected; he picked up the lamp by the bedside and hit Christian with it.  It stopped him long enough to pick me up and carry me downstairs.  

I guess Christian figured out he was in deep shit and as the police and ambulance arrived, he'd jumped in his Ferrari  and took off with a couple of cop cars giving chase.  It would be several days before I would find out what had happened.

As much as I despised Casey, he'd saved my life that night.  Once again I was taken to the hospital, in bad shape, beaten and broken.  I had asked the police, before I passed out, to please call Brett and make sure he was at the hospital.  I had suffered four broken ribs, one had lacerated my liver and was causing internal bleeding; they had to do emergency surgery to repair that; a busted lip, bruised hip and a mild concussion.  

The doctor that took care of me that night was the same doctor that had taken care of me four other times I had been brought into the ER.  He'd recognized the signs of abuse and had contacted the police but because I gave them nothing to go on, all they could do was document it, leave their cards and pray I would come to my senses.  I never did.

After two days I was starting to feel well enough for visitors other than Brett.  On this particular morning when Brett came to visit he was followed by a Detective Chance.   He had a kind face and a soft voice when he started to speak to me.  "Mrs. Sinclair" he started.  "I'm sorry to bother you at this time but I really need to ask you some questions about what happened to you three nights ago."  

I smiled at him and said "It's okay.  You're just doing your job, so ask away but is it okay for Brett to stay?  Please?" I implored him.  "If you are sure that's what you want" the detective said.  I nodded and he went on.  "Are you aware of what happened to your husband that night?" he questioned.  I looked at Brett and then back to Chance "I don't understand.  What do you mean?" I asked, my body feeling cold all of a sudden.  

Chance looked at Brett.  Brett looked at me with sadness and began.  "Chels, Christian is dead honey."  That's all he said.  I shook my head.  This couldn't be happening.  Tears started to fall and fall hard.  My voice trembled.  "What do you mean he's dead Brett?  What happened?"

Detective Chance answered for Brett.  "Mrs. Sinclair, your husband ran from police after Mr. Livingston dialed 911 informing the operator that your husband was beating you and Mr. Livingston was afraid he was going to kill you.  The police chased your husband's Ferrari and he lost control and hit a tree.  He was dead on impact.  I'm sorry for your loss.  If you need me to come back and take your statement I will do so.  You just let me know" he said sympathetically.  

I shook my head and exhaled.  "No.  I want this over with.  Please ask me anything.  This has to be finished and finished now.  I want to get on with trying to put my life back together" I told him with conviction.  He just nodded and started his questioning.

I felt for Brett having to sit there and listen to all of the depraved things his brother made me endure; the verbal abuse, the beatings, watching him have sex with Casey and a slew of women and the fact that I had hidden a nanny cam and all of this was captured on video.  At that point he excused himself from the room.  

I knew it was too much for him to bear but I didn't hold it against him for leaving me to finish talking about it with the detective.  I could tell that everything I was telling Chance made him very uncomfortable.  "Ma'm" he started.  "If I can ask you something.  I've been on the force for 30 years.  Fifteen of those I've been a detective.  I have never come across anything like this, ever.  Why did you stay?  Why would you continue to expose yourself to these horrors?"  

I had asked myself that so many times.  Why had I stayed?  He had made his fair share of threats against me, my family and even Brett.  I had convinced myself that I stayed to keep them safe; but I don't know if I will ever know why I stayed.  "He threatened me, Detective.  My parents and his brother.  He knew that Brett and I were close, that I would reach out to Brett for comfort and support.  He was jealous and he told me that he would see his brother dead before he would see me with him.  I kept my family safe."  I finished.  

Chance shook his head and then said "I don't know if you are the bravest woman I've ever met, stupid or a little of both.  I will get my report typed up and your file will be closed.  If I'm not overstepping my bounds, I am going to leave you a card to a good therapist.  You really will need to talk to someone, soon, that can professionally help you deal with what you've been through.  Chelsea, please get some help and take care of yourself, okay?"  

I thanked him for his kindness and asked him one last favor before he left.  "I want a copy of everything in my file please."  He told me that I could retrieve it in a couple of days, just call ahead and make sure it was ready.  I thanked him again and watched him walk out.  Brett came back in, I'd known he heard the rest of our conversation.  He just came over and sat down on the bed and folded me into his arms while I broke down and cried.  I was finally releasing what I hadn't been able to for so long...I was finally free.

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