Chapter 37 (edited)

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I wasn't sure how long I had slept until I grabbed my cell phone and looked at it through sleepy eyes.  10:30!  I couldn't remember the last time I slept that late.  

Our bed was empty and I was a little sad but shook it off as I got up and headed to the bathroom to get dressed for the day.  I flat ironed my hair and put it up in a high ponytail, opted for just powder, blush, nude gloss and mascara and chose printed skinny jeans with a black sweater and my boots.  Happy with the way I looked I shoved my cell phone in my back pocket and followed the smell of coffee. 

 I could hear voices as I drew nearer to the kitchen; it was Sylvia, Marco, Angelo, the twins and I'm guessing Alberto and Alfredo; I walked into to smiles and how-did-you-sleep questions and then received kisses from the guys as I grabbed a coffee cup, pouring some liquid morning into it I went and sat down at the table between Adrian and Aiden.  

Adrian was talking to his dad so I turned my attention to Aiden and asked him how he slept.  

He leaned over and whispered "I slept very well after having my way with you and getting your warm little body back in my bed where it belongs" he said kissing my neck.  

I whispered back "You're insatiable!"  He nodded as I giggled.  I felt Adrian's hand come to rest on my thigh; he gently squeezed it as his thumb drew circles.  

After finishing his conversation with his dad he leaned over and said only where I could hear "I owe you a spanking for abandoning us in bed last night" his voice dark and needy.  I licked that spot on his neck that I knew drove him wild and told him I was looking forward to it.  

As we ate our breakfast we talked about the rest of the weekend and what we would be doing.  Angelo said that everyone was free to do whatever during the day but there would be a family dinner this evening and to make sure we were all back by six p.m.

I very much enjoyed spending the day with Adrian and Aiden.  They showed me the magnificent library which contained a piano and a cello, which their mother played both instruments, and all of the family photos going back at least to Angelo's grandfather. 

 It was so fascinating seeing history in pictures and the family resemblance was undeniable.  It turns out that Angelo's grandfather was a twin as well.  His entire family is from the region around Sicily, so I got to hear about their vineyards, the wine they made and sold, their bakery and then finally their restaurant, which is still open and feeding people to this day.  

It was sold out of the family years ago but it still holds the name Silvano's as per the agreement to the man they sold it to.  Angelo said they eat there at least once every time they visit. 

 "Chelsea I would very much like for you to join us on our next trip to Sicily" Angelo said to me. 

 "I would very much like to go as well" I said smiling at him.  He excused himself and said that he had some phone calls to make so the boys decided this would be a good time to show me the grounds.

We walked in silence, hand-in-hand, just taking in the beauty and the fresh air of being outside.  "I never got a chance to thank you guys for keeping me together last night during the party; your dad did as well.  To say it was a shock would be stating the obvious" I said. 

 Adrian finally spoke.  "I'm sorry that happened.  Dad always invites Bella's dad but since the break up five years ago we hadn't seen or heard from her and I'm not sure why her dad even invited her.  He had to have known how we would react."  

Aiden scoffed and said "Yeah he knew, he just didn't care.  He thinks we should have forgiven her and married her anyway."  He was still angry and hurt over her betrayal; I couldn't fault him for that hell I was still angry for Christian's betrayal. 

 I stopped and looked at Aiden and said, in all seriousness "Do you wished that you'd forgiven her and married her anyway?"  

As hurtful as the truth might be I had to know what I was up against.  He stepped to me, fisted my hair in his hands and kissed me hard, like Adrian kisses me and finally answered me.  

"No. I would have never forgiven her and I would have never married her.  I don't still wish she was in our lives and I don't want her.  I think it's safe to speak for Adrian when I say that we have the woman we want.  There is no one else Chelsea.  You are it for us."  

I kissed him tenderly and then went to Adrian and kissed him and said "You both really are some kind of wonderful."

We continued our talk and I was completely honest about my feelings when Casey surprised me last night.  I told them that for a moment I was taken back to that awful room, in that awful house where I had to endure some of the most humiliating and hurtful things that a human being could to do to another.  

But I also explained how quickly I was pulled back when Aiden danced with me and I came to realize that neither Christian nor Casey could ever hurt me again.  I had an epiphany last night, I was no longer bound to the memories and the nightmares; I could let them go and had started letting them go the moment I got involved with them.  

They were my protectors, my lovers and my best friends; I knew I could go to them with anything and tell them anything and no matter how bad it was they would always help me make it to the other side and I would be stronger for it.  

They were my beautiful saviors.

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