Chapter 34 (edited)

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There were no more run-ins with Casey or his wife and my boyfriends' ex-fiance, Bella, the rest of the night.  I did however see that her father was still here but I imagined his daughter and son-in-law were shown the door. 

 I will be honest when I first saw Bella I felt completely inadequate.  She was taller than me, thinner than me and had that trademark Italian jet black hair; her features were perfect but her inside sure as hell didn't match her outside.  

That was my only saving grace and why I thought the twins had made a step up when they chose me.  I'm not conceited but I didn't treat people like she did and sure didn't speak to people the way she spoke to Angelo. 

 I danced some more with Aiden and then Adrian cut in saying that his father wanted to speak with him and I imagined it was so Angelo could tell him about our run-in earlier.  Aiden's expressions were different than Adrian's; first he was surprised, then I saw pain and then anger but I saw Angelo reach out and touch his son's arm bringing him back in and I was glad.  

I didn't want a fight to start because of me or Bella to be honest.  Adrian was being more gentle with me right now but I knew later on, in bed, my dominant man would show himself and I would be ready for him.  I wanted it rough tonight, no I needed it and when he's done with me I will need Aiden's  gentle touch.

Around one in the morning the party starting to thin out as people started to make their way home.  I had met some incredible people that evening and despite what had happened earlier with Casey, I had really enjoyed myself. 

 Soon it was just Angelo, Marco, the twins, me and Sylvia when Angelo spoke up and said "Anyone for poker?"

  I shocked everyone when I said "I'm in!" 

 Adrian and Aiden looked at me and both said at the same time "You play?"

  I winked at them and said "A little."  Marco laughed and told them that they should watch out for me, that it's always the quiet ones.  We walked in to Angelo's study where I was told that Duffy had put out the poker table and set everything up for us including Toscano cigars and PUNI, which is Italian whiskey.  

This was going to be quite the night!  Angelo passed around the cigars and when they got to me I took one as well.  I had not been surprised to see Sylvia take one but everyone at the table was very surprised when I took one, expertly nipped the end off, struck a wood match, lit it and puffed gently on it, getting all the flavor I could and it didn't choke me. 

 I looked at all the eyes that were on me and grinned and that broke the silence and everyone started to laugh.  

"See I told you" Marco sing-songed.  I was sandwiched between Adrian and Aiden as Sylvia dealt the cards.  

Sylvia started "Okay the game is Seven Card Stud.  I will deal seven cards; two down, one up.  Any questions?"  No on said anything so she dealt the cards and the game began.  We'd been playing for about an hour; Angelo won two games and Adrian one. 

 I had been holding back and just checking out everyone, seeing their facial expressions and how they bet before I exposed my hand and playing style.  Marco, Sylvia and Aiden were out and that just left me, Angelo and Adrian and the pot was up to $500.00. 

 This round I had pocket Aces, or American Airlines as it's slang term, and I was going with this hand.  Angelo stared at me as he bet a $20 dollar chip, then Adrian did this as well and then when it got to me I called their bluff and said "I raise you $20 and call." 

 Angelo huffed and said he folded and now it was down to Adrian and I.  I never once gave any indication of my hand at all when he laid out his cards.

  "Full House" he said proudly.  

I laid my cards out and said "American Airlines." 

 "Oh my God!" said Marco.  "She had pocket Aces!  I told you it's always the quiet ones!" 

 Adrian tried very hard to be mad at me.  "So I take it you've played before?" 

 I shrugged and said "Maybe a little" and winked at him.  He smirked and I had a feeling he was going to take it out on me in bed but I was ready for him.

I was feeling a little tipsy from the PUNI as we made our way up to the twins room.  Aiden opened the door for me and I went in followed by Adrian and then Aiden. 

 "I had Madonna put away your clothes, some are here in the dresser, the rest are hung here in our closet and your toiletries are in the bathroom" he said pointing to a door way.  I was just looking around their room for a minute; we were on a third floor split level and it was on the other end of the house.  

From the looks of it we were all alone on this side of the house.  Their bed was huge; almost like a king size that had a twin added on for extra room and it was a dark cherry wood, 4-poster with mirrored canopy.  That will be interesting I thought to myself as I walked into the opulent bathroom.  There were two smaller showers on either side of a huge shower, the vanity went a long one side of the wall and had three sinks and then they had a huge garden tub that looked like it could easily fit three people comfortably. 

 I grabbed my cami set that I had bought on a one night trip to Vegas last year.  The top was white, see-through, trimmed in black lace and to the left side there was an applique' of a woman sitting on a stool with her cat laying on the floor next to her and the panties were white trimmed in black and an applique' of the cat right above my sex.  

I knew Adrian would love this because he was always calling me 'kitten.'  I brushed my hair and my teeth, removed my makeup and went to join my hot boyfriends in bed and hopefully have them all night long.

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