Chapter 43 (edited)

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True to his word Adrian did in fact come back to our room and by the time he was done with me and the three of us went another round I could hardly walk; I was exhausted as well.  

Duffy came and picked us up from the club and took us back to my apartment and I asked the twins to stay the night to which they responded "We'd already planned on it." 

 That made me smile.  As we were walking by the security desk Tony, the night guard, stopped me.  "Ms. Sinclair, this was dropped off for you this evening" he said handing me an envelope.  What in the world?  It was a white envelope and it simply said Chelsea on the outside in a handwriting I didn't recognize.  

I opened it up and read it, all the color drained from my face as I hurried the twins toward the elevator.  "Thanks Tony" my voice said shakily.  Once we were safely in the elevator I handed the envelope to Adrian.  Dear Chelsea, You looked more beautiful than I remembered.  Your body is still as sexy as ever.  Bella tells me that you are involved with the Silvano brothers so see you really did like all those nights Christian and I took those different women and made you watch.  No matter what you told Christian you really did like the thought of sharing two men.  I knew deep down you really were a dirty little whore who liked it rough.  I would love to have you and Bella both some night.  I'll be in touch...Love, Casey.  

"Fucking son of a bitch!" Adrian roared after reading it; he then passed it to Aiden who waited until we got into my apartment.  

"I don't understand how he knew where I lived.  It's" my voice trailed off.  God the thought of his hands any where near me made shivers run down my spine.

"Goddamn him" Aiden breathed.  "And goddamn that bitch for telling him anything about our personal business.  Adrian, this is her getting back at dad for making them leave that night" Aiden said pissed off.  Adrian said he knew that's what it was as well, he said he was calling Angelo.  

"Dad" Adrian said.  "I know it's late but we have a situation here" he started and then told Angelo he was putting him on speaker.  "Chelsea visited our club tonight and we just brought her home.  The building security guard gave her an envelope and said that a man had dropped it off earlier that evening.  It was from Casey Livingston.  He knows about our relationship with Chelsea and said that Bella had told him and basically promised to keep in touch with her, telling her he knew she loved what he and Christian subjected her too...Dad it was just sick.  What do you think we need to do?" 

 Angelo suggested that I pack up my clothes, lock up and come back with the twins to Silvano Estates and at this point I was so worried about dragging people that I cared for down into my shit.  

"Angelo I appreciate it but I don't want to drag you and your family into this; I can't have him knowing that I'm at your home; that will just leave you and the family vulnerable" I said. 

 "Cara" he said "The moment Bella Marcelino told him about your involvement with my sons and this family, she involved us, not you.  Put it from your mind.  We can keep you safe here, so no more talk.  Boys, bring her home" he said and that was that; end of conversation.

I knew better than to argue so I trudged upstairs and got my big suitcase and started to pack my things but something was very wrong when I walked into my bathroom.  

"Fucking shit!" I cried out from upstairs.  Adrian and Aiden took the stairs two at a time until they reached my bathroom and saw what I did.  There were four pictures, obviously printed from a cell phone's camera, all of me, tied to a chair, while Christian and Casey had sex with four different woman as I was forced to watch.  

You could see the disgust, horror and pain all over my face and in one of the pictures you could plainly see that Christian had hit me because there was blood all over my mouth.  

I just stood there with my hand covering my mouth, my words of "No, no, no" muffled as the tears fell down my cheeks.  I had a terrible thought and raced downstairs with the twins right behind me.  I went to the painting on my wall, threw it open, my hand shaking as I put the combination code in and swung open the safe.  My head collapsed on the bar in relief as my file was still there but I had to check one other thing...the flash drive; thank God it was still in there as well.  I grabbed the file, slammed the door shut and moved the painting back into its place and slowly ascended the stairs.

Adrian and Aiden didn't know what to do for me at this point except let me be while I packed.  I was numb and couldn't find any of my words, they were all jumbled up inside my head.  Adrian disappeared into my bathroom and I knew he'd taken pictures of the scene and I heard he and Aiden discuss on whether to notify the police. 

 I walked in there, a business card in my hand, gave it to Aiden and said "Call Detective Chance.  He was the lead detective assigned to my case the night Christian died.  He's very familiar.  He'll know what to do."  I grabbed my shampoo, conditioner and my other toiletries and walked out of the bathroom.  I ended packing two suitcases; one with work clothes, shoes and accessories and the other had my casual clothes and sleepwear and personal hygiene items. 

 I stopped at the head of the stairs, looking at my guys I said "Please take me out of here" my voice tired and worn out.  They nodded, grabbed my suitcases and we left my apartment behind.

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