Chapter 75 (edited)

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For four days I'd been pushing myself, not really getting good rest and I could tell it was starting to affect me.  Aiden had been off the ventilator and in his own room for two days and we were finding out if we could bring him home today.

  "Hey baby" I said as I walked into his private room.  He was grumbling again and it was cute as hell.  I walked over and fluffed his hair, knowing he hated it when Adrian did it to him but I could get away with it. 

 "Chels" he warned but smiling at me. 

 "Now" I started.  "Why are you being Mr. Grumpy pants again this morning, huh?" I joked with him.  He folded his arms across his chest, huffed and pouted.  Oh good grief!  

"I want out of this bed and I want to go home, take a shower, wear my own clothes and lay in my own bed!" he said whining a little. 

 "Now precious" I mocked, using his nickname for me "We are waiting for the doctor to tell us just that; don't pout, as cute as it is, it does things to me and you aren't up for that right now."  He grabbed my hand and placed it on his crotch, showing me how wrong I was in my diagnosis; damn him, he was hard.  "Uh uh, Mr. Man.  No way" I said snatching my hand back but leaving him grinning at me.

The doctor finally came in so I went to get Adrian and Angelo, laughing the whole way over what had just happened.  Insatiable man!  Both father and son looked curiously at me as I was grinning from ear-to-ear.  

"What's up with you?" Adrian asked. 

 "Your brother is a piece of work" I declared.  

Angelo smiled and said "This is news to you?"  I laughed and shook my head.  

"Not at all but I still can't help by being surprised by him sometimes" I replied.  

Adrian leaned over and whispered "What'd he do this time?"  I told him and he busted out laughing.  

"Yeah that sounds about right" he said.  We all listened very carefully to the instructions the doctor gave us concerning Aiden's recovery, asked if we had any questions, which we didn't, so he signed the release papers and said we could take him home.  I was so happy I gave him a big, wet one on the mouth, then Adrian and Angelo got a big hug.  We were going home...all of us.

"I sure have missed this place" Aiden said softly as we pulled into the long drive.  I grabbed and squeezed his hand bringing his glance to me. 

 "Welcome home, baby" I said slightly teary eyed.  I had instructed clean sheets be put on the bed, a shower chair placed in the shower for him, his laptop was set up, in case he got bored and extra pillows for when he felt like sitting up.  

He seemed to get out of the car with minimal pain and even made it up the stairs pretty well; we got him on the bed and I kneeled down to take off his shoes, my body protesting that movement.  I hissed a little in pain and caught both brother's attention.

  "What's wrong?" Adrian asked concerned.  I blew it off saying I had just moved the wrong way; he bought it but Aiden looked at me like he wasn't buying it, but said nothing.  The doctor gave Aiden a prescription for the lowest dose of pain medication, not enough to render him useless but to relax so he could sleep.  I gave him one and a bottle of water, helped him lay back and started to walk away.

  "Thank you" he said.  

"For what, Aid?" I asked. 

 "Taking care of me" was his answer.

  I sat on the edge of the bed and said "When you and Adrian slipped this ring on my finger that's what I was promising by receiving it.  I love that you guys need me and that I need you."  I placed a kiss on his head and told him I was taking a shower.

I had stripped off my clothes but then realized I hadn't grabbed pajamas so I wrapped a towel around my body and trudged back out to get some.  I leaned over the dresser drawer, not noticing the towel had fallen open when I heard Aiden "Fucking shit, Chelsea!  What the hell?"  Crap!  He saw my thigh. 

 I pulled the towel tighter and said "It's nothing, really."  He looked pissed now.  

"Why don't I believe that?" he said.

  "Please don't say anything" I begged.  "Adrian will make me get in bed and then I won't be able to take care of you" I said tearing up. 

 "You know what you said about the ring?" I nodded slowly.  "It goes both ways.  You have to let us take care of you too."  I knew he was right.  "How long since you got a full night's sleep?" he asked concerned.

  "Four nights" was my answer.  He blew out an aggravated breath. 

 "For God's sake woman.  Are you trying to just drop on the floor?" 

 "Of course not!" I snapped.  

He frowned at me and then said "Open your towel."  He wasn't asking, he was commanding. 

 "No!" I said vehemently.

  "I won't ask again Chelsea."  I knew from his tone he meant it so I opened it, baring my left side to him and closed my eyes, waiting for it.  

"Adrian!" he bellowed.  Well, that's it folks.  I was about to be benched.  Adrian came flying into the bedroom, concern on his face. 

 "What?  What's wrong?" he asked.  Aiden pointed at me.  

"Have you seen her injuries?" he asked accusingly.  

"No, I wasn't aware of any except her face and wrists" he answered.

  "Now Sinclair" Aiden snapped.  I opened my towel, keeping my breasts covered and feeling very small at the moment. 

 "Goddamn it, Chelsea!" Adrian yelled. 

 I shot a death glare at Aiden and then snapped "Thanks a lot!" stalked into the bathroom and slammed the door, rattling the pictures on the wall.  Aiden jumped when the door slammed. 

 "You think she's pissed?" Adrian scoffed.  

Aiden smirked and said "Maybe just a little."  Then he turned serious.  

"You realize she hasn't slept in four days?"  Adrian rolled his eyes at his brother. 

 "Of course I know this but the woman is stubborn; I couldn't do anything with her" he huffed.  Well, now that they were home he knew exactly how to get her to listen, Mr. Silvano, her dominant, would have to reason with her until to submitted.

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