Chapter 49 (edited)

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The wonderful smell that hit my nostrils before we even got out of the car was mouthwatering.  I loved a good pizza and Adrian and Aiden really talked up the place.  It was called Pagliacci Pizza; the owner and Angelo know each other from way back.  It was a family run business, great atmosphere plus the twins said they served great local beer as well.  The owner, Antonio, greeted us when we walked in. 

 "Adrian, Aiden, why you no come and see me for such a long time, eh?" he asked in broken English.  "How's your father?" he asked.  

"Antonio, he's great, you know him, he works all the time.  We would like for you to meet our girlfriend, Chelsea.  Baby, this is Antonio and he makes the best pizza around" Aiden said.  The man put me immediately at ease as he grabbed my hand and kissed it.  

"Ah cara, you are very beautiful" he said graciously.  I blushed and said thank you.  The twins and Antonio talked while we walked to our table in back, and once seated, Antonio asked for our drink order.  "We want three of the St. Flori's (St. Florian IPA)" Adrian said.  "Do we know what pizza we want?" he asked.  

"What do you guys usually like?" I asked.  

They both answered "Everything but the kitchen sink!" 

 "Well, Antonio, we'll take one extra large with everything but the kitchen sink!" I said laughing. 

 "Si, grazie, I will be back with your beers" he said as he walked away.

Antonio came back with beer and glasses of water and said our pizza would be out soon so the twins and I talked, laughed and just generally had a great time together.  At one point both of them had put possessive hands on my thighs and squeezed lovingly.  I know I looked like an idiot because I couldn't wipe the grin off my face, nor did I want to.  This truly was the happiest I had been in a long time. 

 "Adrian I hate to ask you to get up but I need to go to the little girl's room" I said giving him a peck on the cheek; he slid out and like the gentleman he is, and gave me a kiss back.  I finished my business and was at the sink washing my hands when in walked Bella, the ex-fiance and someone I never thought I would see again.  She leaned up against the door; she wasn't going to make this an easy conversation either.

I tried to look bored with her.  "Bella, what do you want?" I asked uninterested.  

"You know you look like a whore coming in with two men" she said hatefully. 

 I stood up straighter and replied "I beg your pardon?"

  "You heard me.  Wow, they really took a step down with you" once again her harsh words hurting me right where I lived.  

"Bella, obviously they are quite happy with me and let's face it, you don't know them anymore.  It's been what, five years now since you were caught whoring around with someone else the night before?  Oh and it was discovered that it'd been going on for quite a while" I got her back good; her face turning a bright red.  

"You've been warned.  They'll drop you like a hot potato when something better comes along.  Mark my words.  Do you know what they do with their spare time?" she asked.  

"Actually I do" I replied sweetly.  "And they do it with me; all over the bed, all over the floor, the shower, the bathtub, the counter...any where we can find a place we haven't fucked."  Oh game on now bitch.  That shut her up as she turned on her heels and walked out slamming the door.

I took in a deep breath and steadied myself before going back; I would tell them; no more secrets.  I made my way back to the table, my heart still racing after the unpleasant exchange and my breathing was a little off.  Right as Adrian started to ask me what was wrong, Antonio brought out our pizza, plates and napkins.  Despite what had just happened I was still starving.  "Everything look okay?" Antonio asked.  I nodded and so did the twins.  

"Chels, you were gone a long time.  What happened?" Aiden asked with Adrian looking on.  

I blew out a ragged breath and said "Bella happened."  

Adrian gripped the table and said "What does that mean?" 

 "She was in the bathroom when I came out to wash my hands" I said calmly.  

"Fucking shit" Aiden breathed angrily.  

"What did she say, kitten?" Adrian the dominant was here.  

"Well she started by saying how whorish I looked coming in with two men.  Then she threw in how much of a step down you guys took by taking up with me.  Then she warned me that you would drop me like a hot potato when something better came along and finally she asked if I knew what you guys did in your spare time."  There.  I'd told them everything.

"Goddamn bitch" Adrian said through clenched teeth.  

"Did you say anything to her?" Aiden asked. 

 I smiled and said "Oh hell yeah I did."  I could tell they wanted to know.  "I just told her that you were both obviously happy with me and that she didn't know you any more and then I brought up how she'd been caught the night before your ceremony screwing around and how it came to light that it had been going on for God knows how long.  And when she asked if I knew what you did in your spare time I said of course I knew because you did it with me...all over the bed, the floor, the shower, the tub, the counter and any other place we could find to fuck.  She shut up and left" I said biting into my pizza. 

 Both of them stared at me like they couldn't believe who I was.  

"Damn that's so fucking sexy" Adrian whispered in my ear and then Aiden said "I'm really proud of you babe and yeah that was very hot."  

I have to admit I was pretty proud of myself and we continued our date and forgot about that horrible troll and her nasty mouth.

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