Chapter 25 (edited)

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"Good morning gentlemen.  I appreciate your time as I know it's valuable and I will try and make this as painless as possible" I smiled and got them to laugh.  

I gathered all of the materials that I brought with me for the meeting.  "I am providing you with the Due Diligence that we had completed by Christ & Foster, Financials for the last two years, Dossiers on my Controller, Chief Operations Officer, Chief Financial Officer and me plus letters from creditors.  I believe that I have provided everything that you will need to make informed decisions about this purchase and I believe you will find me honest and straight forward, so you may ask me anything and I will be happy to give you an answer.  Thank you again" I said sitting down.  

Angelo reached over and patted my hand and I in turn gave him a huge smile.  I sat and waited patiently while everyone was busy reading the materials that I had provided.  I did happen to notice that I was receiving looks from both twins and then Aiden started messing with his phone.  I felt my phone vibrate, I picked it up and saw a text message from Aiden.  

I smiled as I opened it and read it.  You look so hot!  I'm having a hard time concentrating on business right now!  All I can see is you, out of the dress beneath me in bed!  

I giggled on the inside at his message.  I responded right back.  I had the same thought when I walked in this morning and saw the two of you sitting there!  The things that ran through my mind...naughty things!  I hit SEND and waited for his reaction. 

 I could tell he'd read it because he closed his eyes for a second and when he opened them they were full of lust.  I saw him lean over and show it to Adrian and then Adrian whispered something back to him and then I saw Aiden type something back.  Adrian said he wants to make your ass pink!  He said you are misbehaving and he is looking forward to bending you over and having his way with you!!  I was having to clinch my thighs together because they were turning me on and they knew it; just look at their gorgeous, smug faces!  How do I respond to this?  I thought.  I know! 

 I texted back I am looking forward to it and just so you know the two of you have made me extremely wet and I'm not wearing any underwear!  I hit SEND.  That should do it and I put my phone down, determined to focus on what was going on around me. 

 I heard Adrian start coughing and Aiden cleared his throat a couple of times; I'm sure I was in big trouble after that little exchange but the thought excited me.

Before any other exchanges could happen Angelo started to speak.  "Has everyone had sufficient time to look through the provided materials?"  He received an affirmative response. 

 "Okay then.  Question and answer time?"  His operations officer raised his hand and Angelo acknowledged him by nodding. 

 "Ms. Sinclair, you have done impressive work in just a short time of being at the helm of Sinclair Industries.  What did you feel like was your biggest challenge and how did you overcome it?"  That was an excellent question and one I was proud to answer.  

"Well, Mr...." I started.  "Marco, you can call me Marco" he said smiling.  

"Thank you.  Marco, my biggest challenge was I had no idea how the business worked.  I had an idea of the basics, I mean I graduated with a degree in Business Management from the University of Washington, but as important as education is there is no way to be prepared for the real world except to be hands on.  

So for one full year I divided up my time between the Finance, Legal and Operations department and spent countless hours with my personnel, learning their jobs, etc.  I had a lot of good people behind me and they helped me accomplish my goals.  

Then I met with the creditors, worked on consolidating the outstanding debts and as you can see from the information provided, Sinclair's building will be paid in full in another six months and we have a clear and clean credit report as well.  I hope my answer was satisfactory, Marco?" I said smiling.  

"Yes, thoroughly.  Thank you Chelsea" he said returning my smile.

After about two hours of questioning I had one more question thrown at me that I was not expecting and it was from the head of the Legal department, Hudson Stark.  

"Chelsea, I hate to ask this of you but were you aware of the reputation that your late husband was putting out there?"  I scoffed and answered. 

 "It's fine Hudson and yes I was painfully aware of my husband's reputation; I lived in it's wake every day and night.  His business and personal reputation was in the toilet; not only was this affecting his mother and father but his brother, Brett and then there were his employees. 

 Anyone that had the misfortune of being involved with him was pulled into his downward spiral.  To be honest with all of you, he was an alcoholic and cocaine addict.  His money and reputation was being snorted up his nose and coming from the bottom of a bottle.  

Sadly the only thing that put a stop to the 'perfect storm' known as Christian Sinclair was him crashing his Ferrari into a tree two years ago.  I know that may sound cold, but it's the truth.  A lot of people were put out of his misery that night and set free, including me.  Was that what you wanted to know Hudson?" I asked sweetly.  

His expression solemn when he said "Totally, Chelsea.  I'm sorry and thank you for your candor."  I nodded. 

 The controller started things off by saying that he agreed with the purchase, then his COO and legal department said yes, by the time we had finished there was 100% agreement to move on with the purchase of my company. 

 We broke from the meeting, shaking hands, engaging in small talk.  Angelo leaned into me and said "I couldn't have been prouder of you than if you were my own daughter.  You went like David before Goliath.  I'm very proud of you, my dear." 

 His words caught me off guard and as my eyes watered I was at least able to get a choked up 'thank you' before excusing myself to the Ladies Room.  

Angelo said to meet him back in his office.  I mumbled okay as I walked quickly out the door, much to the surprised looks on the twins faces.

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