Chapter 84 (edited)

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I was running around Monique's looking for the twin's rings. 

 "Oh my God!  Monique!" I yelled.  She stuck her head into the guest room that I'd been staying in.

  "What?" she said. 

 "I can't find their rings" I was starting to panic.  

She came, stood in front of me, grabbed my shoulders and said very calmly "You gave the rings last night to Aunt Sylvia.  She will give them to you when we get back to the house.  Okay?  Calm down, you're making me a nervous wreck and I'm not the one getting hitched today" she said laughing.

  I sank down on the bed as my mind had total recall.  "I was the CEO of a major company for two years, cool as a cucumber; pledging myself to the twins I'm a basket case" I moaned.  Monique disappeared for a moment and came back with two shots of tequila.  

"Here baby.  You need this" she said holding up the shot glass; we downed it and I made a face.  "Come on, makeup time" she said dragging me to her bathroom.  Ana and Stella were already dressed and looked beautiful; Ana had already taken care of my hair.  She did a beautiful job with leaving part of my hair down and curled and the other half was pinned up so we could put in some flowers after I dressed.

"You ready to see?" Monique asked me after finishing my makeup.  I nodded and closed my eyes as she turned me towards the mirror.  "Open" she said, her voice breathy.

  "Oh Monique" I said softly.  She had made my skin look flawless, like I was an airbrushed photo, my eyes popped with lots of mascara, she had blended three shades of pink for my eye shadow and she had found a shimmering pink lipstick that was absolutely stunning.

  "I love it and I love you!" I said hugging her.

  "Okay!" shouted Ana.  "Time for the shoes and dress!  Chop, chop!  We have a car coming in forty minutes!"  My dress fit better than I'd remembered and I was in love with my sandals.  

Ana had placed some gorgeous baby pink roses in throughout my hair, making the total picture just breathtaking

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Ana had placed some gorgeous baby pink roses in throughout my hair, making the total picture just breathtaking.  I couldn't be any happier right now if I tried.  I would get the twins' rings and my bouquet once we reached the house.  Duffy just texted that he was here with the car.  It was time!  

Stella grabbed my suitcase because the twins had told only her where we were leaving to after the ceremony, Ana grabbed my purse and Monique grabbed their small bouquets and we headed down to the car.  

"Ladies" Duffy said holding the door open for us.  "Ms. Chelsea" he said clearing his throat.  "You look very beautiful" he said quietly. 

 "Thank you Duffy.  How are Adrian and Aiden holding up?" I asked him winking.  

His face crinkled in a rare smile saying "They are very much looking forward to seeing you" he said.  I smiled back and entered the car and we headed off.

It was like Operation Cloak and Dagger getting us from the car, into the house and into Sylvia's room without anyone seeing us but it was accomplished.  Sylvia rushed us into her room and shut the door.  

"Oh my Chelsea, you look amazing!" she said kissing my cheek lightly.  "Okay, here are their rings" she said handing me the engraved jewelry; I put Aiden's on my middle finger first and then slipped Adrian's on top of his because I would be giving him his first.  

Then she handed me my bouquet.  It had all of the same pink and white flowers from the first bouquet that I'd ever received from the twins; it was stunning and smelled amazing.  We were waiting for Sylvia to receive a text telling us it was time; her phone pinged and we all looked at each other, it was time.

I had chosen for VSQ Yellow to play while the girls and their groomsmen walked down the flowered path and for my song I chose Blake Shelton God Gave Me You and I couldn't think of a better song.  I met Angelo on the stone porch I started to take his arm when he said he had something for me.  

He pulled a faded blue velvet box from his breast pocket, opened it and showed it to me.  I was stunned.  It was a single strand of cultured pearls. 

 "Turn around my dear" he asked softly.  "These belonged to our Mia.  Marco and I gave them to her the day of our ceremony.  We can't think of someone more deserving to have and wear these than you" he eyes wet with tears. 

 "Oh Angelo" I cried throwing my arms around his neck.  Sylvia had witnessed everything and was ready with a tissue and dabbed my eyes.  "Are you ready?" he asked.  I exhaled and nodded.  The music was cued and I began to walk towards my future.

We had invited about 100 guests and they all stood up when Angelo and I walked out.  I felt breathless when I saw Adrian and Aiden.  They were both in white linen shirts, untucked, and black dress pants; my heart felt like it was beating double time.  

I listened to the words of the chorus as Angelo walked me down the long flowered path God gave me you for the ups and downs , God gave me you for the days of doubt, For when I think I've lost my way, There are no words here left to say, it's true God gave me you.  I could feel the emotion welling up inside of me and it threatened to burst when I saw Brett and Chloe. 

 I mouthed I love you brother at Brett and thank you to Chloe, they both smiled; this was my perfect day.  We reached the end, Adrian on one side and Aiden on the other, as I handed my bouquet to Monique Angelo took my hands and placed them into the twin's hands but not before kissing me on the cheek.

"Ladies and Gentlemen you may be seated.  We are here today to witness the commitment between Adrian Xavier Silvano, Chelsea Madison Sinclair, and Aiden Mikel Silvano.  Each one has written their own vows so we will start with Adrian" the officiator said looking at Adrian. 

 I turned to my strong dominant partner as he began his vows.  "Chelsea, my aim is not to change you, but rather to grow with you.  I bring a stronger heart to this choice than I have brought to any other.  But I sense that it will grow stronger still with days lived along side you. Stay with me.  Learn with me.  Live by my side.  I will do the same faithfully and joyously.  I love you" he said slipping my diamond band around my finger.  I wiped tears away with my thumb as I turned and faced Aiden. 

 "Chelsea, with this ring, I give you my promise of honesty, trust and devotion.  I will stand beside you through the difficult times, wonderful times and the strong and weak times.  May we overcome all obstacles together.  With this ring, I interlock my heart with yours for eternity.  I love you."  I had already moved my diamond solitaire after Adrian's vows so Aiden slipped his on and it completed our bond.

  I turned to Adrian and said "You have been my rock, my strength and my shield.  When I needed you most you were there.  This ring symbolizes my never ending love, faithfulness, respect and support.  Wear it knowing every time you see it, it carries a piece of my heart.  I love you."  I slipped his ring on and then turned to Aiden. 

 "You have been my humanity, my heart and also my strength.  You have loved me with a gentleness and kindness I've never known.  This ring symbolizes my never ending love, faithfulness, respect and support.  Wear it knowing every time you see it, it carries a piece of my heart.  I love you."  I slipped his ring onto his finger.  The officiator said a few more words and then I got to kiss my husbands.  I couldn't believe that starting today I was Chelsea Madison Silvano! 

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