Chapter 74 (edited)

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I didn't dare tell Adrian how much pain I was in or he'd make me go home and wild horses weren't going to drag me away from that hospital.  I had managed to hide how bad I was hurting and had even fallen asleep on his shoulder when were notified that Aiden could have visitors. 

 "Baby" he whispered. 

 "Huh?" I said sleepily.  

"We can see Aiden now" he said smiling.  

Thank God!  Since it was ICU only two people at a time could go in so I wanted everyone to go ahead of me; Adrian and I wanted to be last so we would have more time with him.  This waiting I didn't mind doing because I knew he was in there and would be okay, eventually.   When it was our turn, Adrian took my hand and we walked down the hall looking for his room.  

The floor he was on had a nurse's station in the middle and only six rooms, they were huge rooms with sliding glass doors; they kept the lights dimmed and for an Intensive Care Unit it was pretty quiet.  The door was partially opened as we went in and other than the machine breathing for him, he looked asleep.  I pulled up the chair beside his bed while Adrian went around to the other side, laid my head on top of his hand and caressed his arm.

I was crying, silently, but I could feel the tears dropping onto the top of his hand; I whispered how much I loved him and how grateful I was that he was here.  Seeing him, knowing he was truly here, made me realize how excruciatingly tired I was.

  I stood up for a moment, leaned over and ran my fingers through his hair; it was soft and felt comforting.  I laid a couple of kisses on his cheek and forehead before returning to my chair and laying my head back down on his bed.  Now that I knew he was okay I would just shut my eyes for a minute; it wouldn't hurt to take just a minute to rest. 

 I heard Adrian talking to one of the nurses and that woke me up; stretching I felt stiff and sore but pushed that into the back of my mind where it belonged.  I had to pee really bad as I stood, heading to the bathroom, opened the door, shut and locked it.  I gingerly pulled up my shirt; shit it was looking worse than when I was in the ER earlier.  Damn it I thought.  I took care of my business, washed my hands and returned to the room.

Adrian had left the room and I wasn't sure where he went but I climbed onto the side of the bed that had more room and sat next to Aiden, putting his hand on top of my thigh so I could feel his warmth. 

 I looked down at his beautiful, strong hand as I caressed his knuckles just going over in my mind how many times I'd held this hand, kissed it and had it wrapped around my waist.  My eyes roving every inch of his gorgeous face, studying his lashes, nose and lips; I couldn't wait until I could see his eyes once again, when he would be out of here and at home where he belonged and we could put all of this behind us.  I knew I shouldn't but I couldn't help myself as I laid on my side and rested my head on his shoulder; the feeling of his heart beating lulling me back to sleep.  

"Ms. Sinclair" I heard and felt someone's hand on my shoulder, gently shaking me. 

 "Uh, yes?" I said still feeling exhausted. 

 "I'm so sorry but you can't be in bed with the patient" she said apologetically.  

I slid out of bed and said "I understand, I didn't realize how tired I was and I didn't mean to fall asleep."  She was just doing her job and I knew there was no malice in her intent.  "How's he doing?" I asked her.  She had checked his incision and was making notes on his electronic chart, then took his pulse and then temp with the fancy kind you roll on the forehead. 

 "Everything seems well; no fever, pulse and heart rate are good" she said brightly. 

 I leaned over and kissed him on the forehead and said "I'll be right back baby.  I'm going to check on the rest of the family."  I turned and looked at him again before leaving the room.

I saw Adrian first, sitting in one of the waiting room chairs, his arms folded across his chest, head back against the wall and legs stretched out in front of him, crossed at the ankles.  He looked like a little boy sleeping; I had imagined, once, after I started seeing the twins what our children might look like but Christian took that option away from me. 

 The next best thing would be adoption; I knew that I definitely wanted to adopt.  Sylvia smiled when she saw how I was looking at her nephew; she knew how deep and strong my love went for both of them.  I couldn't resist putting my fingers in his hair, like I'd done with Aiden and his hair was just as soft.  Bending at my waist I leaned in and kissed his lips tenderly and watched his eyes open; then I got that smile I lived for.  He sat up, rubbed his face and stood, putting his arms around me.  

"How you holding up baby?" he asked. 

"I'm good.  The nurse busted me for falling asleep in Aiden's bed" I said smiling at him.  

He chuckled and added "You're such a rebel aren't you?"  I nodded shyly, then asked him how he was doing.  

"Doing okay now that I know my brother is still here.  I never want to fill that ever again" he said, a slightly pained look crossing his otherwise beautiful face.  Angelo suggested that we go have dinner and then come back and that actually sounded like a great idea.  

Aunt Syl handed me a bag, she had Marco take her home and fetch me some clothes so I didn't have to keep wearing scrubs.  I hugged her, said thank you and went to change.  My stomach growled letting me know it was time to feed it.  We were just taking a break; none of us were leaving tonight.

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