
"Mama please juss' let me take care of this and I'll make sure ta' let ya' know everything in da' mornin', ok?"

She nodded her head and walked over to Mani, softly kissing her cheek.

"I luh' ya' baybeh." She told Mani.

"I luh' ya' too mama."

I watched as my mama reluctantly walked to the back to her room before I placed my eyes back on Mani. I clasped my hands together and bent down in front of her.

"Ok, what do I do?"

I know I told mama I knew what to do but of course I didn't know what to do, I was scared shitless right now.

"Go ta' da' bathroom, don't run nothin' but cold water, then go in my room and get my medicine. It's in da' top shelf in da' closet on da' left side."

Running to the bathroom I did exactly as she instructed. I turned on the cold water and stuck the stopper in the drain, before running off to her room and pushing all her clothes on the floor in search for her medicine. Once I retrieved it I hastily made my way back to the living room.

"Hea' ya' go ma." I said stretching my hand out to give her the medicine.

She looked at the bottle of pills then at me, with a stale expression.

"I can't move, rememba'?"

"Oh yea."

I took the lid off the prescription bottle and proceeded to give her the pill. She opened her mouth and I stood back and watched as her Adams apple became visible indicating she had swallowed the pill. I walked into the kitchen and brought her back a bottle of water so she could wash the pill down completely. I held the bottle up to her mouth allowing her to take a few sips. After she took a couple of gulps, I set the bottle down and walked to the bathroom to turn the water off, when I returned I prepared myself so that I could lift her up.

"Ya' ready?"

She slowly nodded her head, letting me know she was scared.

"Brace ya'self baybeh." I swiftly picked her up and carried her to the bathroom and set her on the bathroom counter. I stood in between her legs while her body fell motionless onto my chest.

I couldn't believe this was happening to her, but this time it was worst it seemed. She was sweating like crazy and she couldn't control her breathing rate. I wanted to question and interrogate her like she does me, but until I get her to her regular self all that will have to wait. I was trying my hardest not to blow up and snap, but how could I— this girl that I care so deeply about is going through something she can't even comprehend.

I've stayed up with her countless nights with her while she cried herself to sleep over her life. Yes, she was strong, but damn, even the strongest people need a day to breath. You can't always be the person to stand tall, sometimes you need someone to lean on, and that's why I'm here for her... so she can lean on me.

"Aug I need ta' get in da' water."

"Ya' need ta' get undressed?"

She nodded her head yes.

"Ya' want me ta' get mama?"

Don't Forget About Me| August Alsina StoryWhere stories live. Discover now