I felt a presence behind me and I knew it had to be my mama just from the smell.

"Um baybeh whatchu' in hea' doin'."

Mani turned around and smiled putting the chicken in the sink to thaw out. she then looked back over at us while drying her hands and throwing the towel over her shoulder.

"Well mama I juss' thought I would cook a lil sum'n fa' everybody since y'all showin' me and Kali so much hospitality."

"But I-"

"I know ya' gotta go ta' work dat's why Kali and myself gone make sho' Aug don't try ta' eat it all." she said followed by a light chuckle.

"W-Well thank ya' baybeh."

What's up with ma today?

Me and ma walked out of the kitchen into the living room and all of a sudden she yanked me into a corner away from the entrance to the kitchen. She had a strange look in her eyes like one I've never seen before.

"Ma what's u-"

"Wife ha' Aug."

"Do what Ma?"

"Dat' guh' in thea' cares fa' you and I'll have ta' be a damn fool not ta' see dat' yo ass care fa' ha' too, but see I know my son. You scared of da' feelins you havin' cause you not use to em', and most likely she's mo' frightened than you are, but I know love when I see it juss' give it a lil time baybeh."

I stood there taking in everything my mama just said to me, and she was right. I was scared of the feelings I was having for Armani, but not the type of scared that I wanted to distance myself from her, but the type of scared that made me want to explore this feeling and explore her. I wanted to be close to her all the time because I didn't want to miss anything new that I could find out about her.

Of course I love Armani, but in a different way, not the way I love Crystal, but something....different. I wasn't necessarily scared of this feeling I was having or Armani. I was fascinated with them, if that makes sense.

I zoned back into the real world once I heard my moms calling my name.

"Huh, what?"

"I'm juss' sayin' Aug, she a good girl and I like her, a lot more den' dat' lil Krillin heffa'."

"Ma ha' name Crystal,"I corrected,"And if ya' would juss' get ta' know ha' I'm sho' you would love ha'."

She smirked and shook her head,"I thank ya' need ta' have a lil talk wit' ya' big brotha', but juss' think bout' what I said, ok?"

I nodded my head letting her know I heard her loud and clear. She probably thought that what she was saying was going to go in one ear and out the other, and even though half that time that was the case— this was not one of those times. When it came to Mani I would take in any advice someone had to give me on the situation. So I will have to have a lil talk with Mel.

I looked back up and seen my mama walking back into the kitchen, I trailed in behind her and took a seat at the table. I just sat there watching Mani and kali.

"Well aight yall, I'm finna' head out ta' work,"Mama announced,"Be good, I luh' y'all."

We all told her we love her as well and waved her off. As soon as the door closed Mani looked up at me with a weird smirk on her face. I cocked my left eyebrow and walked over to her, wanting to know what she was smirking about.

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