Mama opened up the door and carefully got in so I wouldn't drop her, I set her in my lap and let her body fall into mine—head ended up resting on my shoulder as she cried.

My mother put the keys in the ignition and flicked her wrist clockwise, which brought the car to life. I looked up and seen Mel coming out the house with an alert Kali in his arms.

He hastily made his way to the passenger side and held Kali as my mama rushed to the hospital.

"Aug what's wrong wit' me?" She asked the question that I'd been fearing.

I gazed down and watched the confusion and fear swirl around in her eyes. The scared little girl was starting to resurface; and I honestly didn't know what to say. I would open my mouth to answer her question but nothing came out. When She saw that I was struggling to answer her question, she dropped her head back on my shoulder and allowed her cries to grow louder.

C'mon Aug, you juss' gotta reassure her...

"It's um, it's ok mama,"I started," See ya' juss' worked ya' self too hard, even da' strongest people in da' world need a break. I thank this juss' yo' body way of tellin' ya' it's had enough, but we finna get ya' some help aight everything gone be ok."

"Ery'thing be a'right." Kali said encouragingly, poking her small head over the passenger seat to peer at her sister.

Mani looked up at Kali and then to me and let out a small weak smile.

"Ya' promise meh'?"

I smiled as well,"I promise ya'."

We pulled up to the the hospital in less than five minutes and I rushed Mani straight to the emergency entrance doors. I heard her crying into my chest as I ran but I had to get her to some type of help. I started yelling and screaming throughout the hospital, but as I continued to run I felt Mo' shaking uncontrollably in my arms. I looked down and found her slobbing blobs of bubbles and mucus out her mouth. Her eyes had rolled to the back of her head and she was chocking on her own tongue.

I placed her down on the floor as fast as my shaken up body would let me. Soon I was soon joined by Mel, my mama, and Kali who was now more alert than ever and crying her heart out for her big sister. I reached for Kali while Mel went and cursed out the nurses for not helping us sooner. After a few seconds a swarm of nurses and doctors swooped Mo' out of our sights rolling her to the back where we could no longer follow her.

We were told to sit in the waiting room for what seemed like hours— just waiting for an update on the whereabouts and well-being of Mo'. I thought this would be an overnight stay and we would just wait for her to be stable enough to see us.... that is until I heard a voice that made me fume with anger. I turned towards the front desk and there the Devil's daughter was in the flesh. I wondered why she was even here— how did she know? But then I  recalled to myself that the hospital keeps a emergency file with an emergency contact inside, just in case something happened.

She glanced over at us and a look of hate crossed her face, she made her way to my mother with her hills clicking hardly again the marble floor. I felt Kali clutch on to my arm before she buried her head into my chest.

"Bad peoples,"She whispered for only me to hear,"She part of da' bad peoples."

"Excuse me ma'am but may you please tell me how do you know theses hoodlums, they came into my home and ransacked the pl-,"

Don't Forget About Me| August Alsina StoryWhere stories live. Discover now