10 minutes later

I looked at where we were and realized we were on my grandparents street. I looked at the houses and spotted the one I needed to get to. I quickly let go of August's hand and jumped out the car before it even had a chance to come to a complete stop. As I ran to the front door I could hear Kali's cries, which made me run even faster. If I could hear her out here I can only imagine how loud she must be screaming. I ran to the front door and seen that it was locked. So I banged and banged, but no one answered. The only thing that could be heard on the other side was my sister yelling and screaming out her small little lungs.

I knew it, I knew it! I felt it and I just wish that it weren't true!

"Don't worry baybeh girl I'm comin', big sis comin'!" I screamed as I began to ram my shoulder into the door.

I heard Mel and August running to my aid, but I didn't care my life was in pain on the other side of this door. My baby girl.

I stopped ramming my shoulder into the door concluding that-that wasn't working. I took a few steps back before I lifted my right foot and kicked the that door open almost knocking it off the hinges. I heard Mel and August gasp in a state of shock. Hell, even I didn't know I had it in me, but when it came to Kali I had the strength of a thousand men.

I took a step over the threshold and looked to the left of the door, finding exactly what I was looking for. I picked up the steel bat and ran towards Kali's screams upstairs, but on my way there I glanced in the living room and seen my grandmother curled up in a fetal position quietly crying to herself. In any other circumstances I would have stopped, but I couldn't stop. I would talk to her later after I handled this 'situation'.

I rushed to the stairs going up them two at a time. I finally made it to the top and made my way down the hall to the guest room that they turned into Kali's room. Starting to get closer, I realized just how loud her screams really were, so loud they made my ears feel as though they would burst at the sound. I stopped right infront of the of her room door and twisted the knob to find it was locked.

2 year olds don't lock doors.

In a swift motion I raised the bat and knocked the knob off and kicked the door open— and what I seen made my blood boil with rage. There he was, this sick fuck of a grandfather molesting his two year old grandchild while his other hand held his shaft.

I felt a presence behind me and from the smell I knew it was August. I felt the warmth of anger spewing off of is body as he stepped around me about to go in the room, but I quickly held my arm out in front of him to cease him from walking in.

"He's mine August."

He looked down at me with unsure eyes, I just nodded my head to reassure that I'll be fine.

You see I didn't bring them so that they could help me, I brought them so they could stop me when I got out of control.

He stepped back into the door frame and gave me a head nod, ready to watch the scene unfold.

At that moment I let the rage I'd been holding in show itself. I felt the devilish smirk form on my face as my eyes began to see only one color 'red'. There was a image placed here in front of me of him taking away my sister's virtue. I was ready to let every bit of anger out that I'd accumulated over the years. At that very moment I decided, at that moment, I would no longer be that weak little girl that sat there and cried her eyes out. I could no longer be pathetic and allow my loved ones or myself to be hurt and abused, I had a little girl that depended on me more than she did before. In that moment I was not about to lay back and let what happened to me be repeated. So in other words, in that moment....

Don't Forget About Me| August Alsina StoryWhere stories live. Discover now