You favorite Song (present time)

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Gorilla- Bruno Mars
When Dally first heard this song he made you listen to it and said that it for their times in bed

Next contestant- Nickelback
Two-Bit heard this and was hooked because everytime a guy flirts with you or even looks at you he gives them the evil eye

Wanted- Hunter Hayes
Pony loves this song because you are he has ever wanted in his life

Can't stand it- Never Shout Never
Johnny heard this and it reminded him of how he feels about you this song demonstrates exactly how he feels about you and your love
I will write you a song- One Direction
Soda was always the romantic type and this song demonstrated it.
Little Things- One Direction
Darry just loves everything about you including all of your little things, your smile, how you squeeze into your jeans, he loves everything he about you

S.E.X- Nickelback
You showed this song to Steve and was amazed by it he said it reminded him of you and him at the after dark hours

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