Meeting Him

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Your car slows down and you pull over to the side of the road. You get out and see that your crappy car was smoking from the hood.
"Damnit!" You yell kicking the tire. You look up as you see a car pull up behind you. A guy in a brown leather jacket and jeans with a cigarette hanging from his mouth gets out.
"What happened?" He asks walking closer to you.
"I don't know it broke down." You reply.
"Let me take you into to town I know a couple guys really good with cars come on beautiful."
"What? No you can't just walk up here and expect me to go to town with you."
"I wasn't I want to take you into town so we can fix your car come on just let me help you. You groan grabbing your essentials from the car and getting into his.
"Name's Dallas by the way call me Dally." He says tapping ashes from his cigarette.
"Y/N" you reply not looking into his beautiful eyes or his soft looking lips.

You were new to town and was wondering around with your sister through the park and around town.
"I wish we could go back I don't want to be here." Your sister groans.
"Who knows maybe something good will happen." You respond zipping up your jacket to fight the cold air coming in.
"Maybe." She groans.
"What's that?" You ask your sister looking ahead.
"I don't know but it seems like a drug deal." Your sister chuckles at the boys hanging out at the park sitting on the hood of a car smoking. One wearing was Mickey Mouse shirt and was play wrestling with another one way shorter in a hoodie.
"They aren't bad looking." You reply. "Come on." You say grabbing your sisters hand and pulling her towards the car.
"What are you doing they could be rapists!"
"They aren't." You reply as you stop next to a guy in a leather jacket.
"Hey sweet stuff who are you two?" The one in the leather asks. "I'm Dallas, call me Dally." He smiles taking a hit from his cigarette.
"Y/N and Y/S/N," you simply reply noticing the one in the Mickey shirt looking at you.
"Two-Bit." The Mickey Mouse said smiling. You smile taking his hand he was holding out think he was going to shake it. Instead he gave it a kiss. Your cheeks turn red.
It was free period and you had just gotten a detention for being late because of your sister.
"Ugh!" You yell closin the door to the school. You sit on the fence next to a boy in a purple hoodie smoking a cigarette. It was the back of the school where teachers never went and if they did they smoked with you.
"Need a cigarette?" He asks holding a pack of cigarettes out to you. You nod taking one as he lit it up with a lighter.
"Thanks." You say taking a hit.
"No problem, Name's Ponyboy, yes it's my real name says right there on my birth certificate."he says tapping ash off the end of his stick.
"Y/N," you reply doing the same.
"Never seen ya around here."
"Yeah used to be home schooled just started this year."
"Well, what you all mad about?"
"Stupid teacher."
"Know what that's like maybe we should talk about it,"
And you did you talked about a lot of things and he invited you over to the movies tonight.
You yawned going into the gas station as your mom got some gas you had just got here and was moving here you stopped to get some gas. You walked in seeing a guy sitting at the counter with another guy. You give the first one a smile. He gave one back. You grabbed a candy bar and a soda then went up to the counter.
"Hey you new in town?" He asks ringing it up.
"Yeah just moving in today." You say biting your bottom lip.
He chuckles when he got to the Soda.
"What?" You ask.
"It's just my name is actually Sodapop and they call me Pepsi-Cola." He chuckles.
"That an interesting name."
"My dad was an interesting guy." He smiles.
"Y/N" you say. He smiles handing you your things. "How much?"
"Nothing on the house Y/N, beautiful name by the way." He says.
"Gotta pay ya somehow." You say grabbing the pen from his pocket and writing on his hand your number you smile leaving.

You sit at the park alone laying on top of one of the playground things looking at the stars and smoking a cigarette.
"2 am." You say to your self you had just gotten in a fight with your folks and you needed a break you always came here when you needed to. You turned you head at the sound of another voice. Two boys were walking towards the park one with black hair and tears sobbing wearing a jean jacket and another wearing a hoodie with brown hair trying to comfort him.
"I just wanna die Pony." Jean jacket says.
"Johnnycakes don't say that your so young you have so much to live for." Hoodie replies. They sit at the fountain still talking.
"Come on Johnny just calm down and Come back to my house." Hoodie replies.
I slid down from my spot and the boys look up at me.
"Oh no." Johnny says wiping tears with his jean jacket.
"No your fine." You reply putting out your cancer stick.
"What are you doing here, it's two in the morning?" Pony asks.
"Needed a break from my folks what about you guys."
"Same," Pony says looking to Johnny who was still wiping tears.
You groan looking out the window and seeing a few guys on a roof carrying up bundles all of them with one expect one guy with three. You roll your eyes getting tired of the noises. You step out of your house and stand at the bottom of the ladder shielding your eyes from the bright sun.
"Hey!" You yell. The one with three bundles looks down at you.
"Yeah?" He asks.
"You guys are  incredibly loud." You say. The guy steps down from the ladder.
"Sorry couldn't hear a thing up there."
"Can you guys I don't know shut up?" You ask.
"But it's two in the afternoon."
"So still need to be reasonable the neighbor is annoying enough." You smile.
"No kidding thought I was the only one." He smiles. "Darry." He says holding out his hand you take it.
"Y/N" you reply. You guys ended up talking about your neighbor and anything else.
"Come on!" You cheer from the stands as your favorite drag racer crosses the finish line. You and your family cheers happily. The best part was you got to meet some of the racers at the end. 
When the race was over you got down from the stands and met the first place which was your favorite racer. When you got to the second place you found this guy really attractive.
"Hi, my names Steve, yours?" He asks.
"Y/N" you smile.
"You know you are extremely pretty." He flirts. You cheeks turn red.
"I know." You whisper in his ear and you lightly walked away trying to be sexy.
An hour later he was back next to you.
"Hey what's your number because this isn't over." He smiles. You smile In victory starting out the number of your phone.

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