Chapter 15

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Your Pov:

I ran. I ran for my life down into the forest. Barking and nashing of teeth can be heard behind me. Chasing me. I ran as fast as my legs could take me. I saw a cabin and went for it. I screamed for help. Help like I was going to be murdered. Oh wait, I am.

I saw the door of the cabin open to see Lauren. She speed past me to the wolfs. I ran inside and closed the door.

"Y/N?" Camila asked.

I pointed outside the window to Lauren who was fighting off the wolfs.

"Dinah!" Camila yelled and Dinah came running in. She looked outside the window and ran outside. Camila followed. I sat down on the couch with my head in my hands. What the fuck is wrong with me? Why are all these things happening to me? I was to busy thinking that I didn't know the three entered the room. I felt a hand on my back and immediately looked up. There faces were all scratched and bruised. Tears fell from my eyes at the sight. Especially when I looked up to see Lauren. One if the wolfs must have bit her hand. It was nasty.

"I'm all right Y/N." Lauren said as she sat down on the couch away from me.

"Camila is the healer of us, she got the cool power." Dinah said.

"I think seeing the future is way better." Camila retorted.

"You guys have powers?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's pretty cool." Camila said placing her hands on Dinah's arm and healing her.

"What's Laurens?" I asked.

"Mind powers. Different things with people's minds." Lauren said as Camila turned to heal her.

"Did you get hurt Y/N?" Dinah asked.


"That's a lie." Lauren said.

I rolled my eyes.

"Not just cause I can read your mind, I can smell the blood." Lauren told me.

"I'm fine honestly, just need to be bandaged up." I tried but Camila came over and placed her hands on my arm.

"Sorry, I wouldn't of healed you but Lauren would have a cow." Camila said.

Lauren glared at Camila but Camila shrugged it off.

"So, as it seems, Y/N has been attacked twice now by these wolfs. So I say that one of us has to be with her at all times." Lauren said.

"No way!" I yelled.

"Do you want to be attacked again?" Dinah asked.

I shook my head.

"Then we need to stay by you." Camila spoke up.

"At all times." Lauren replied.

*Your dream that night*

I was in the dark but only red eyes shown. I knew it was Lauren. I usually am afraid of the dark but I felt safe.

"Do you trust me?" She asked.

"Yes, I do."

"Do you still love me?" Lauren asked another question.

"I never stopped."

"I know I broke our promise but it was only to protect you. I know I'm a monster."

"You are not a monster Lauren." I told her. I wanted to caress her face but I couldn't reach her. "Come closer Lauren." I told her and she shook her head.

"Tell me you still care."

"I still care." I pleaded.

"Are you scared of me?" She asked and I shook my head no.

"Then why aren't we together? Do you not trust me? I trust you to keep my secret. Sometimes secrets are kept hidden to protect the ones you love the most." Lauren said.

I nodded at her true words.

"Wake up." She told me and I did as she said.

There she was standing in my room.

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