Chapter 34

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Camila's Pov:

"Hello, what room is Y/N Evans in?" Normani asked tappin her fingers on the desk of the hospital.

"She is still in surgery, it might be a while." She told us kindly. "You can sit and wait if you would like, there are snacks and drinks on that table." She pointed to the table and we thanked her.

"This sucks." Ally said suiting down.

"I don't get how she got hurt.. she is like freaking mother nature.. can't she heal herself." I asked out loud to know one in particular.

"She's not a healer Camila, and this car... it wasn't normal whatever it was. It was more like a flash of lighting or a.. I don't know something bone crushing." Dinah said rubbing her temples.

"She was talking all sorts of nonsense.." Normani added.

"Like what?" Ally asked.

"Something about the man, with a deep voice.." Normani slouched into her chair.

"Whatever it was that she heard we need to be there for her, Her and Lauren broke up.. Dinah said sadly.

"What!?" Ally and I both said at the same time.

"She found out about the mind control.." Dinah had tears streaming down her eyes from all of the events taking place. Ally wiped her tears with her thumb. Dinah gave a small smile. "Thanks smallz."

"Lets just hope she is ok.." Normani sighed heavily, closing her eyes to rest.


Your Pov:

The darkness, was more of a light in my life than the actual sun. I found out more answers in the dark. That's where I right now, darkness. So here I am, waiting for answers.

Why does life hurt?

Because without hurt, what is there to life? Fun times? Not everything was meant to be fun.

Why the pain in my chest? Is it physical, or emotional?

A bit of both. More of one than the other. Your emotional pain is becoming stronger than the physical, it's all in your head Y/N.

Where is Lauren?

She is not here, but she wishes. She was only trying to help. Its not easy waiting 340 years for the love of your life to come, be aware of her feelings to.

Where am I?

Your in the darkness, but not ready to come into the light, there is a lot more you should learn.

Who are you?

The man, the man that lead you here in the first place.

Should I be worried?

Never worry, for thy fears will become strength to you.

Will I come out to the light?

It is never certain, Y/N.

I'm Not A Monster -Lauren/YouOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz