Chapter 82

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Your Pov:

A cold sweat, that's how I woke up, or I think I did. Am I dreaming still? Was I ever dreaming. My chest hurts. Like thousands of weights are on me.

What is going on? What is ever going on? I never know anymore. I never know anything.

I can't see, or at least my eyes think so. Are my eyes even open? Do any of my senses still work? I can't remember a time when they did.

Where am I? Someone please tell me.


Ally's POV:

War. What is it good for? Fighting because of ignorance. Fighting for lustful things. War. It's taking a tole on us all. Things aren't the same as they used to be.

War. It is making all of us anxious. When is the enemy going to attack? Would we even win? They have more alliances than us. What if we don't make it? What if they've already made a move that we aren't aware of?

"Damn Ally.. what the hell are you thinking about?" Lauren said. "Looks like you gotta take a pretty huge poo."

I shook my head, chuckling. "Just about what's going on. The war and what not."

"Well.." Lauren started. "We already knew a war was going to happen. Since a fucking long time ago. It's nothing to worry about, we've beaten them before we'll do it again. No biggie." She paused. "Right?"

"I just feel like something bad is going to happen. Like something is happening right under our noses and we don't even know it."

Lauren nodded. "We just have to be on top of things. That way they don't even get out of hand in the first place. I mean.. what do we have to worry about?"

"You've already let something slip under you're noses." Dinah replied, coming out of no where.

"What?" Lauren and I both said at the same time.

"Mhmm. I can't tell you either, you know that." Dinah continued. "But, a word of advice. Expect the unexpected."

"Dinah you're freaking us out." Camila says, walking past Dinah into the kitchen.

Dinah shrugs, and walks back into her room where she shuts the door behind her.

Norman I walks into the living room. "What could have gone under our noses already? Are they really already plotting revenge? This fast?"

All of the sudden the front door swings open to reveal Harry.

"Y/N is no where to be seen." He says.

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