Chapter 18

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Lauren's Pov:

"Merry Christmas!" Bryan yelled as I walked through the Evans door.

"Merry Christmas little one!" I said picking him up and kissing his cheek.

"Lauren!" Jimmy and Ty yelled at the same time running down the stairs.

"Hey guys!" I said hugging both of them.

"Lauren sweetheart! You made it!" Y/N's mom said walking into the living room.

"Wouldn't miss it." I giggled. Mrs. Evans hugged me.

"Y'all lovin' on my girlfriend before me? Rude." Y/N said walking down the stairs.

I met her halfway and gave her a big hug. Picking her up and walking down the stairs. She screamed to let her go. I place a kiss on her cheek.

"Can we watch Frosty now?" Jimmy asked.

I kissed Y/N on the lips before she could answer. She smiled and playfully hit me on the arm.

"Yeah let's do it." Y/N said after the kiss and walking over to the couch. She held out her arms for me to come cuddle and I immediately cuddled into her side.

Your Pov:

Lauren was cuddled with me while we watched Frosty the Snowman. She would kiss my neck and jaw from time to time. My dad walked in and tried his best to ignore Lauren's presences. I knew it bothered him that she was here.

I always told him he was crazy for assuming things. He grounded me for a week from seeing her, but she would sneak into my room through the balcony.

"I got you something." Lauren whispered into my ear.

"It's not Christmas yet." I told her giggling.

"It could be a day early Santa won't mind."

"Let's go up to my room." You told her. You both quickly got up and to your room some how unnoticed.

Lauren took a small box out of her leather jacket pocket. She handed it to me and kissed my cheek. "Merry Christmas." She said.

I opened it to see a golden heart necklace.

"Aww babe it's beautiful! I love it!" I said wrapping my arms around her neck and she wrapped hers around my waist.

"I'm glad you like it." She said. She took it and told me to turn around. I did as she said and she put it on me. I admired the necklace in the mirror above my desk. I walked to my closet and grabbed Lauren's present.

"It's not as good as the one you have me." I told her. She shook her head and smiled.

"Nonsense." She said opening the package.

"No way..." Lauren said.

"Do you like it?" I asked hesitantly.

"Oh my god baby I love it! How did you know I like the 1975?" She asked.

"Open it." She did as I said and opened it.

"They all signed it to? Oh my god I'm going to cry." She wrapped her arms around me and kissed me all over my face.

"How did you get this?" She asked wiping away her tears.

"Camila's help."

*Flashback to two months ago*

I pulled Camila into the janitors closet.

"Why did we go in here?" She asked.

"I need to ask a favor, it's for Lauren." I told her and she nodded for me to go on.

"I know she likes this band."

"The 1975." Camila answered.

"Yes, can you some how get them to sign this CD for me?" I held up the CD and she took it.

" Of course!" Mila hugged me. "She is going to love you even more!"

As we were walking out I cut my arm on something sharp. I turned to see it was a kitchen knife. What the fuck? Why is this in here?

*End of Flashback😈*

"I love you Y/N." Lauren told me.

"I love you more."

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