Chapter 11

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Lauren's Pov:

"Hey Babe." I said to Y/N as me, Camila, and Dinah walked through the mall. "I didn't know you would be here." I tried to give her a kiss on the lips but she moved her face so I kissed her cheek.

"Come on Bryan we have to go." Y/N told her youngest brother.

"No we just got here!" Bryan complained.

"Ya dawg, hang with us!" Dinah said slapping Y/N lightly on the back.

Y/N shook her head and started to walk away. This made you angry. What the fuck is wrong with her?

"Lets go on a date then babe, tonight." I tried to get her to talk to me.

"I don't really think behind iHop is great Lauren, Bye guys, lets go Bryan." She walked quickly with Bryan into Build A Bear.

"Behind iHop?" I questioned.

"Dude! When we ate behind iHop!" Camila said.

"Holy shit.." Dinah muttered.

"She couldn't have possibly seen us! I would have heard her heartbeat!" I tried to reason.

"You were to busy with your face in the iHop manager." Dinah said. I glared at her.

"I.. I don't know how to fix this..." I said sadly.

"I don't think you can.." Camila told me.

"Thanks for the help." I said sarcastically.


Your Pov:

"But why did that girl kiss you on the cheek?" Bryan asked as we walked out of the mall.

"Because she is kind of, sort of my girlfriend." I told him.

"You can do that?"

"Do what?"

"Date boys and girls?"

"If you want." I told the tired boy, scratching his head. He hugged his bear and asked for me to pick him up.

"He seems tired." I heard a voice say behind me. I turned to see Dinah. "Let me take you home." She offered.

"N-no I'll just call Ally."

"I'm taking you home Y/N, and can we talk? Please?" She pleaded and I could tell she felt worried.

Bryan must of fell asleep on my shoulder because he started snoring lightly. I nodded and walked with Dinah to her car.

We got into her car and drove the way to my house.

We walked into the place I call home. I placed Bryan on the couch and me and Dinah headed to my room.

"Spill." I told Dinah and she nodded.

"Ok, obviously you know that Lauren, Camila and I are.. vampires."

I nodded and she procedded.

"But you know we would never hurt you!"

"How? How do I know?" I yelled.

"If we would have eaten you we would have done it along time ago!"

I nodded. Well that is true. But why keep it a secret?

"Why would Lauren keep it from me?"

"To protect you."

"From what?"

"Ask Lauren if you want to know." Dinah finished and walked to the door.

"I'm not talking to her."

Dinah nodded in understanding. "Me and Camila?" She asked.

I nodded. "We need to hangout sometime." I told her smiling. She smiled back and left.

Well hell.


Lauren's Pov:

"What does she mean she isn't talking to me?" I yelled throwing a vase at the wall.

"Lauren calm down." Camila tried to soothe my troubled soul but it made me angrier. I felt my fangs pop out and my fist clench.

"I don't have any more to tell you." Dinah said.

"What the actual fuck! I try my best to fucking save her life and she goes about doing this shit?" I yell.

"She doesn't know about it Lauren! All she knows is that we are killers! Murderers!" Dinah screamed.

I sat down on the floor and curled up into a ball. I sobbed. Like a baby.

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