Chapter 19

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Your Pov:

"NORMANI I SWEAR TO GOD IF THAT SHOVEL COMES NEAR MY HEAD IMMA BEAT YO ASS!" Dinah yelled as Normani was swinging a small shovel she found on the sidewalk.

"Why did you even pick that up Mani?" Ally asked.

"It's so small and miniature." She said admiring it. We all laughed.

"What if someone needed that?" I asked.

"Well then they missin' a shovel." Normani giggled.

We walked some more down to the mall. I put my arm around Ally's shoulder and she put her arm around my waist. Me and Ally have been best friends since we could remember. She couldn't fend off a boy who was stealing her juice box. Lets just say the boy needed stitches after I was done with him.

Normani was a totally different story. She liked to bully and be mean to me and Ally. But Mama always told me to be nice, espically with people that are mean to you. So one day at recess she was sitting alone at a bench and me and Ally came up to her and gave her a big hug. She cried.

"So what do you guys want to do?" Dinah asked. Kicking my thoughts out of my head.

"Lets eat, I'm so hungry!" Normani said. We all agreed and went to a pizza place.

"Camila is going to be so jealous that I ate pizza without her." Dinah said laughing.

"Aren't you like, hungry for blood?" Normani asked whispering the last part.

"I ate before I came. But I still love a good slice of pizza." Dinah said laughing.

"I did to but this pizza place has some good pizza." Ally said. Dinah nudged the short one and glared at her.

"Is there something we missed." I said referring to me and Normani.

"Nope!" Ally said quickly. "Lets go to that aquarium here!" She said picking up her purse and walking away. We followed her.


"Honesty though the seahorse is a cool sea animal." I said walking out of the mall.

"I liked all the colorfull fishies!" Normani said grabbing my arm.

"I was all about that shark though." Dinah said and Ally nodded.


Laurens Pov:

"We can't reason with them Camila!" I told the small girl in front of me.

"We can't fight them either!" She told me back. "But things will get harder for Y/N if we don't do something about these damn werewolfs thinking they own her."

I nodded. She was right. We needed to get rid of these damn wolfs but how? How the fuck would we do that?

"Remeber how we got rid of Carter?" Camila asked and I nodded.

"Lets just tell Mr. Evans whats happening with Y/N, he will understand!"

"That's crazy!" But it might work.

"Lets go, Y/N and the rest went to the mall." Camila said walking out the door.

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