Chapter 48

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Your Pov:

-From: Lo Jerky💕

I'm picking you up at one so be packed and ready love!🙈

I smiled at the text Lauren just sent me. We were leaving for Romania today to meet her family and to say I was nervous wasn't even enough. A family of vampires.. think about that.

-To: Lo Jerky💕

I'm so nervous babe😓

Almost instantly she texted back.

-From: Lo Jerky💕

Baby don't be! I will be by your side the whole time. And the walls are sound proof so.. 😏

I shook my head at her words. Sound proof? Yeah, we will see about that.

-To: Lo Jerky💕

Is sex all you care about in this relationship?😕

I tricked her there, haha. I put my phone on my desk and got the two suitcases. Ok, shirts first. I piled all the shirt I had and went through them. Pants? I only had like seven. Shorts and tights. Of course are you stupid or something?

Shoes? Don't get me started. Bras and panties, toiletries, tampons for sure. Computer and charger.

I had fit all of that into the suitcases. I put all I wanted on the plane in a backpack. That would be my carry on.

"Y/N! Can you come help Ty really quick?" I hoped off my bed and walked to Ty's room.

"Hey Ty! What's up?"

"Y/N.. I don't know if I can do this.."

"Do what?" I asked him sitting by him on his bed.

"Being the man of the house, I know dad isn't coming back and, I don't know how to be a man! Im barely fifteen and I-I can't handle it!" He started to sob and I pulled him into my arms.

"Baby brother, I know you, and remember when that snake got into the house and dad wasn't home? You picked it right up and threw it outside." He chuckled at the memory.

"And the time that Jimmy got his head stuck in that pumpkin? You got him out. You are strong, you are already a man on the inside right here." I pointed to his heart. "But this-" I poked his head. "Is just doubting. You will be a great man."

"Thanks Y/N." He hugged me.

"No problem bro." I patted his back and went back into my room. I picked up my phone and read the text Lauren sent me.

-From: Lo Jerky💕

Hell fucking no this relationship isn't just about sex. It's about love between two people who need each other more than anything, if you ever think it's just about sex, let me know. Because I will change that. I will take you out on dates, tell you how pretty you are everyday and night. Tell our kids stories on how even though we had trials we made it through, because I love you Y/N Evans. I can't wait to change that last name to Jauregui.💍❤

I wiped away the tears that were falling down my face.

-From: Lo Jerky💕

Open your balcony door.

I quickly opened the balcony door and was swept away by a gush of air. Lauren wrapped her arms around me tightly.

"I love you Lauren." I told her.

"Oh god, I thought you hated me because you didn't answer me back. I love you to." She kissed my lips quickly.

"Ok I have to finish packing, see you at one love!" She pecked my lips again and rushed out of my room with her vampire speed.


"My baby! Going off to see the outside world! Be careful Y/N." My mother said hugging me.

"I will, promise."

"Y/N! Y/N!" Bryan and Jimmy came up and gave me a hug each.

"Bye guys!"

"Bye Y/N." Ty said hugging me tightly and I did the same to him.

"Be good Ty, I'm trusting you." I winked at him and her smiled.

"Ready babe?" Lauren asked as she came back into the house from puttin the suitcases in the car.

"Yes, let's go!" I told her and waved bye to my small family. Lauren walked me to the car and opened my door. I thanked her and got inside. She did the same quickly and drove off. I put my phone into the aux cord and it played, 'Kiss You' by One Direction.

I held Lauren's hand all the way towards the airport.


"Flight 932 to Romania, Flight 932 to Romani." The announcer called through the intercom.

"That's us baby!" Lauren said getting up and grabbing her suitcases. I grabbed mine and followed her. We put our luggage in the right place and soon before we know it we are on the plane.

"Hey babe you ok?" Lauren asked me.

"Yeah, just never flown before that's all." She took my hand into hers. She kissed my knuckles and sat back in her seat.

"Just go to sleep, it will ease the tension."

I followed her orders and closed my eyes.

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