Chapter 67

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Your Pov:

After Lauren had left me, I sucked up the tears that were running down my face. I walked down the stairs to see the table all cleaned up and Harry sitting on the couch with my brothers.

"Well Harry, it's getting late.."
I told him.

"Ok, the house I'm staying at isn't to far. We could walk." He stated and we walked outside.

"So where did Lauren go?" Harry asked.

"She had to leave.." I said sadly. Tears threatened to escape my eyes. I inhaled and did my best to stay calm.

"You know Y/N.. I need to tell you something before this friendship goes any farther, and if you don't want to be my friend that's ok with me." He started out saying.

"Shoot, I've heard a lot of horrible things Harold."

"I am not a.. pure human. I'm a Basilisk.." He said slowely, making sure every weird he said was making sense in my mind.

"What is that?" I asked him not sure of what that was.

"Well, usually it's a lizard man, that when it stares at you with it's natural eyes, they can kill you.. but as you can see I'm not a lizard man, just the eyes part." He explained and I nodded.

"And my boyfriend, he is a 'mothman'." He said with air quotes around mothman. "Mothmen, they are people with wings and red eyes.. not deadly at all but scary at times.."

I nodded.

"Doesn't suprise me Styles.."

"What.. why?" He said with shock in his voice.

"Well, Me and Lauren, and all of are friends are vampires.."

"No way.." He said.

I nodded.


I had just woken up, its 7:48.. and I haven't heard from Lauren since last night. Im starting to get really worried. I called Camila to see if she had any word.

The phone was ringing.


"Hey Camila."

"You sound all depressed, whats wrong boo boo?"

"Lauren left me last night.."

"She left you like you two broke up or.." Camila said.

"No, we fought and then she left.. Camila I'm so scared.." I said sobbing. The tears leaving my eyes.

The next thing I know is there is a knock on my balcony door.

I looked to see who it was and let Camila in. She instantly wrapped her arms around me. And I just cried in her arms.


Camila and I layed in my bed snuggled together watching The Croods. Our third movie today. It's almost lunch, I should make her lunch for her staying with me..

"Who you texting?" I asked Mila.


"Tell her I said Hi."

A few seconds later.

"She said hi."

A knock was heard at the front door. I hear Tu screaming saying he would get it.

Then there was a knock at my door. The door opened slightly revealing a sleep deprived Lauren. The sight of her like this made my heart break.

"Baby?" She asked. Camila moved out of my grasp.

I didn't say anything.

"I love you Y/N, and I brought you these.." She pulled out a bunch of roses. She walked towards me and placed them on the end of my bed. She walked back towards the door.

"Also this." She spoke bringing in a gigantic teddy bear, like the ones from Cosco.


"I know, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for being an idiot and messing us up all the time, I'm just scared to lose you Y/N, there have been to many close calls and I ju-" I didn't let her finish when I met her lips with mine.

I'm Not A Monster -Lauren/YouWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt