Chapter 36

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Your Pov:

"So how is Lauren?" I asked quietly as we rested in my room after the discussion with my friends and family about what has been going on.

"She um... hanging in there.." Ally said sadly.

"How come she's not here?" I asked.

"She doesn't know your alive actually.." Normani said.

"Lets go see her!" I stated quickly and got up. They sat me down.

"I don't think that's a good idea, we need to explain something to you." Dinah spoke up.

"What about?" I asked.

"How your even alive Y/N!" Camila screeched.

"I'm alive.. aren't you guys happy?"

"It's weird, you were dead for two days, not breathing or anything." Ally told me.

"Are you still a vampire?" Camila asked.

"I mean.. I think so.." I tried to hiss and let my fangs down but that wasn't happening. I kept trying an trying but nothing would happen.

"That's weird..." Ally said.

"Guess I found this when Y/N was hit, and it wasn't a car like we thought.." Normani said and handed me a bullet.

"Oh my god.." Dinah spoke up. She took it and examined it. She opened it and saw pink dust. She smelled it and sneezed.

"This is why your not a vampire anymore, it's a reversal bullet. Whenever someone is shot with it they change to whatever they were before." Dinah explained.

"That's bullshit.." Normani said.

"And look." Camila said taking the bullet from Dinah's hands. "Evans and Company." Camila said looking closer at the bullet.

"Someone from my dads business shot me?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Exactly." Camila agreed with me.

"Lets go see Lauren about this." I said quickly running downstairs waiting for the others.

We got the cabin in seconds thanks to my vampire friends. They told me to wait outside while they talked to Lauren, but I insisted I come in to. Dinah and Camila walked in first and I was hidden behind Normani and Ally.

"Lauren?" Normani said.

"Just a second." She called from her room. She walked out. Her eyes were puffy and she was shaking. My heart shattered.

"How are you holding up?" Camila asked.

"Terrible, I don't think I can live any longer, I can't believe I was even mad at her when I knew what I was doing was wrong. I didn't even say proper goodbye." She sniffled trying not to cry.

"How about a proper hello?" Ally asked.

"What ar-" Before she could finish they all moved out of the way to show me, shyly smiling.

"Baby!" Lauren yelled running up to me and hugging me tightly. Her arms and legs were wrapped around me.

"Hi Lauren." I giggled.

"I missed you so much, these three months have been torture." She said tears escaping her eyes. I wiped away her tears.

"I love you Lauren." I told her simply.

"I love you too Y/N." She kissed my lips passionately like she was never going to kiss them again.

"Ok y'all need to stop, we have to talk about stuff." Ally said and we all took a seat on the couch.

I'm Not A Monster -Lauren/YouKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat