Chapter 86

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*No ones Pov*

The battle was gruesome. Blood was sprayed everywhere. You can easily tell the vampires were outnumbered. But you can also tell the wolves were weak, and not ready for the battle.

Y/N's father stood in the distance. As if he was trying to plan the next play strategy.

Y/N soon grew tired. She was wounded with no way to heal soon. She punched a wolf with her good arm. She decided she had given it a good fight and collapsed on the ground.

Her father walked over to her. As in a protective way. Meaning to tell the wolves not to go after her any longer.

Soon after the wolves numbers started to drop, you could hear a plea from the army to stop. But their captain wouldn't stop. He wanted every one of them dead.

Lauren was relentless. No one could hurt the love of her life. She fought harder than the rest.

The battle seemed to have halted when a screech of pain came from the mouth of a vampire.

"Camila?" Lauren asked under her breath. She turned to look behind her as she saw a wound on Camila's arm. The pain seared through Camila's body, making her incapable of moving.

Lauren, Ally, and Dinah didn't know what to do or say. They never saw it coming.

Ty screamed. He started sprinting toward the wounded girl. He jumped over several bodies in order to get to her. He kneeled down beside what seemed like a lifeless Camila. His crying seemed to get louder and louder.
Ty never got to confess his love for Camila, even though everyone already knew they loved each other.

The battle field was silent. Nothing to be heard. The fighting had ceased to watch what was happening in front of them. Camila took a final breathe, and was gone. Anger boiled up inside of Ty. He laid Camila gently on the ground and turned around to face is father.

"I'm going to fucking kill you!" He screamed, running toward his father. His father, who was taken by surprise, braced himself for the hard impact. Ty landed on top of him, and repeatedly punched in his fathers face.

Y/N slowly got up to her feet. She put her good hand on her little brothers shoulder. He stopped to look at her, tears falling down his face.

"Kill him. Kill him now." Y/N said. And that is what Ty did.

Thunder could be heard from all around the battle field. Lighting hit nearby wolves.

Vanessa speed walks towards Y/N in an effort to strike at her, but one of the wolves says, "Vanessa.. he told us not to touch her. If you kill her, you kill the baby. It's the baby we want."

Vanessa stops in her tracks, and stares at the ground. Wondering what to do. It only takes a split second for Normani to drive a stake into Vanessa's heart.

Y/N looks at Normani astonished by her appearance. "I could never let some stupid girl kill my best friend." Normani says. Y/N gives her a faint smile.

The wolf packs run away in fear.

Rains starts to pour from the sky as
Y/N, her friends and family gather around Camila's lifeless body.

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