Chapter 9

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Your Pov:

"Ok I still don't know why I have to go to work with you." I told my dad as we were driving out to no where.

"It's the family business!"

"Then make Ty do it! I don't even know what you do!"

"I am a hunter! I told you."

"A hunter of what? Rocks, animals.." I asked him.

"Vampires and werewolfs." He told me and I laughed.

"Whatever dad..." He looked at me seriously.

"There is one about three hundred yards away." He stopped the van on the side of the road and turned it off.

"And how do you know that?" He shushed me and watched a figure slowely walking on our right. He shined his big light on her and I saw it was Lauren. She shielded her eyes and fell to the ground.

"Dad what the fuck!" I yelled at him. I ran out of the car and to Lauren's side.

"Move Y/N, she's a monster!" My dad said pointing a gun at both of us.

"I'm not a monster, what are you talking about?" Lauren asked.

"The bright light? Vampires hate that stuff.."

"Dad! If you shine that light towards me I would have done the same damn thing! Lauren is.. she is my girlfriend!" I screamed in panic.

"What?" My dad said.

"Yeah! She is my girlfriend since.. when Carter disappeared."

"She's right!" Lauren yelled.

"Yeah right! Your just trying to get me to spare her life!" My dad said pointing his gun towards the ground.

"No really, watch!" I said and leaned forward to Lauren. She froze as soon as our lips touched but soon realizes what I was doing and moved her lips with mine. She grabbed me and pulled me into her so that I was straddling her. We deepened the kiss when she asked my mouth for entrance which I didn't hesitate to open for her. Kissing her was like, butterflies in my stomach, x10.

Like I was going to explode. It felt so good!

We heard a gun go off an I quickly covered Lauren, not thinking at all. I looked up at my dad who had his gun up in the air.

"Ok, ok enough." My dad said defeated and walked back to his van.

"Do you want to come back to my house?" I asked Lauren.

"I would like that."


Lauren Pov:

Y/N kissed me! And said we were dating! I have never been so happy in my life.

"Someone's happy." Y/N said. I was smiling like an idiot.

"I just have an amazing Girlfriend that's all." Y/N looked down at the floor of the car and had a slight blush appear on her face.

"So we can..?" She leaned forward and brushed her lips against mine. "Kiss?" She asked. I nodded.

"And hold hands?" She grabbed my hand and intertwined her fingers with mine.

"Of course.." I said my breathing getting unheavy.

She leaned into my ear and whispered, "Fuck?"

"Y/N..." I said laughing.

"Only when your ready though." Y/N shrugged.

"We are here girls." Mr. Evans said. Me and Y/N got out if the car hand in handy He drove away in a hurry.

She opened the door quickly and ran upstairs. I followed behind. As we reached her room I heard her lock the door. I was shoved against the wall as Y/N forcefully kissed me. I moaned at the contact, and I kissed her back instantly.

I love the way she makes me feel. Like it was worth being dead all these years. Y/N put her hands on my ass and I almost flipped my shit. I felt my teeth grow inside my mouth and I pulled away.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to go that far it was-" I cut her off with a kiss.

After the kiss I said, "Not yet Y/N, not yet."

I'm Not A Monster -Lauren/YouWhere stories live. Discover now