Chapter 72

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Your Pov:

*Three months Later*

"Run!" Camila yelled at us.

I don't know what in the Sam hell is going on but I know we all had to run.

Things were going perfect, until Vanessa had shown up. Now life was a living hell. I've been to the principals office twenty five times just over the three months of him being the principal. And for stupid reasons.

We stopped running when we think we've lost them.

"Who are we running from?" Normani asked. The leaves rustled under our feet as we walked.

"I heard something. It didn't sound human either." Camila answered.

Before any of us could move I was pushed to the ground.

"Baby are you ok?" Lauren asked.

I nodded as she helped me up.

"Why did you fall?" Ty asked, he followed us into the woods.

"Someone pushed me." I said, I looked behind me to see if anyone was there and nobody was. "I felt hands push me, I swear."

"She's coming up." Dinah said.

"Who?" Ally asked.

"Vanessa, in twenty minutes, to the cabin." Dinah answered.

"How exactly do you know that?" Ty questioned.

"I can see into the future." She said bluntly.

"Sure.. Ok. If you say so 'Raven'" Ty said laughing, and we laughed along with him.

"Let's not go to the cabin. I don't want to see her ugly ass face again." Lauren said hissing at the fact of seeing Vanessa again.

"Anywhere we go she always appears." Ally commented.

"She was the one following us here." Camila said.

"And she can probably hear us now." Lauren added. "Fucking bitch." She said loudly.

"Lolo, not in front of the child!" Ally said covering Ty's ears.

We laughed and started to walk, away from the cabin.

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