Chapter 21

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Your Pov:

"Hey baby!" Lauren said excidelty as me, Ally, and Normani walked up to school Monday morning.

"Hey badass." I said giving her a quick peck on the lips. She wrapped her arms around me and wouldn't let go.

"Someone has certainly been missed." Camila joked.

"Yeah they haven't seen each other in three days there gonna die." Dinah exaggerated.

"Shut up you guys." I said playfully. Lauren looked up to me from the position she was in my neck and kissed all over my face.

"Lauren what the heck!" I giggled and she smiled.

"I missed you Y/N, you can't ever leave me alone from you to long." Lauren said pouting.

"Hey Lesbians!" Someone yelled from across the campus. Me and Lauren both looked to see it was the head cheerleader, Becky. "Get a room why don't cha' or stop! People are trying to get to school without barfing."

Becky's posse laughed and soon they were right in front of us.

"Sorry what did you say? I was to busy looking at that ugly gap in your teeth to even care what you say." I said. Becky gasped and covered her mouth.

"Yeah well, your hella ugly to even be talking to me." Becky fired back and I just chuckled.

"Takes one to know one doesn't it Becky? Now why don't you turn your flat ass around and walk away ok?" Now Becky's posse were laughing at my comments instead of Becky's.

"Why don't you just kill yourself then?" She shoved me. I could sense the anger that Lauren and the rest of my friends are feeling.

"Only if you do it first. Now Becky as you see I clearly won this arguement, please, don't start another one until you have better come backs, thank you have a nice day." I said walking away but not before I pushed her into a mud pile.

The rest of my group quickly ran up to my side. Lauren gave me a tight hug.

"You don't believe those things she said, do you?" Lauren asked.

"No, I have a beautiful girlfriend to tell me I'm beautiful everyday." I said smiling and she did to.

"When did you become a badass Y/N?" Normani asked.

"A couple days ago." You chuckled and Ally slightly nudged your side.

"Do you want me to take care of her?" Lauren asked. I shook my head no.

"I got this." I said smirking.


I slammed Becky into the locker.

"Think your so funny huh?" I asked her.

"Actually I do think I'm funny." She said with a chuckle. I dragged her outside by the coller of her shirt. She flung her limbs aimlessly around. I took her to the storage sheds outside the school where no one goes.

"What the hell do you think your doing slut?" She spat at me. I felt my teeth begin to grow at the use of her words.

"I don't think you would like to talk right now.." I said smiling, showing her my fangs. She gasped.

"What the fuck are you? Some time of cheap porn star?" She asked kicking me in the gut, but it didn't hurt. I grabbed her arm and bit into it. She squealed at the pain, but I enjoyed it. I pushed her on the ground.

"See why you shouldn't mess with people Becky? They bite back."

"Please stop! I won't hurt you or you ugly girlfriend anymore!" She pleaded but I ended her then and there. I drank her blood and closed the doors of the shed. I wiped the blood away from my mouth.

"Bitter on the outside, sweet on the inside.." I said to myself before walking back into school.

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