"Don't you ever say that! Your the most beautiful thing in this world!"

After posting the picture fans started to go crazy!

"Come lay with me? You look uncomfortable on the couch."

I chuckled getting up as I laid next to her. Before we knew it Mom came busting into the room.

"Hey sweetie! How are you doing?" Mom asked.

"Ok," Laura smiled. "Tho I can't lie that the contractions are pretty bad!"

She nodded.

"So what about names?" Mom asked.

I smirked.

"What's with that look?" Mom laughed.

"It a surprise! We aren't telling till she is officially born!"

Mom chuckled, "Alright."

After about another hour everyone started to arrive even Romeo asleep in Dads arms. I'm not blaming him it's 6am.

"Hey nice gown! Very fancy for a pregnant lady!" Rocky chuckled, making Laura smile. Ahh that beautiful smile of hers.

"So are you excited for birth?" Ryland asked.

What the hell, Ryland?!

Everyone stared at him.

"I mean the baby not the birth part!" Ryland exclaimed making everyone laugh.

"Yes of cou- SHIT!" Laura exclaimed getting cut of by a bad contraction.

Pain has been getting worse and worse by the second!  Laura doesn't really cuss but when she does she means it! Mom, Rydel, and myself are going to stay for the birth while everyone else waits in the waiting room. But once Laura gets to 8 centimeters that's when everyone will leave and the doctors will come in. I think she is like 6 right now.

"Romeo, your going to have a baby sister soon!" I exclaimed kissing his cheek, holding him close.

After another hour of talking and such the doctor suggested for Laura to walk around a little to help the baby come faster but the second she stood up her water broke!

"Crap! Ross, get the doctor this baby wants to come now!!" Laura exclaimed.

Everyone's eyes widened. Quickly we got the doctors and everyone left except Mom, Rydel, and myself.

"Fuck!" Laura groaned as the doctors helped her back in bed.

"You'll be ok!" I exclaimed taking her hand.

"Your going to do amazing!" Mom exclaimed going to the other side of her taking her other hand. Rydel is also filming for us.

"Ok open your legs and take some deep breaths," the doctor instructed.

Laura did as told.

"We are going to have you start pushing on the count of three for 10 seconds then a break."

As soon as she started pushing she kept a death grip on my hand as she clenched her teeth together.

"Breath Laura!" The doctor exclaimed.

After a few more seconds she got a small break.

"No head visible yet. Ok let's do that again another good 10 seconds." The doctor said.

She started pushing again. I hate seeing her in pain!

"Uhhh!" Laura groaned.

After a more and more tires there was still no head.

"Ok well just have to keep going or a c- section might have to take place,"

Laura's eyes widened.

"Hey baby it's ok! It will be ok!" I exclaimed and she nodded.

"Ok Laura, let's try again strong pushes!"

Laura nodded taking a deep breath as she started pushing again.

"FUCKKKKK!" She screamed.

"Head is visible! Come on Laura deep breaths and strong pushes!"

It's our baby! Our fucking baby!

"You got this baby!" I exclaimed as she screamed in pain.

Rocky's pov
As we all waited in the waiting room I think we are all freaking out! We have all been posting to Twitter and Instagram like crazy to let the fans know what's up.

Rockyr5: Laura's baby is coming!

Ratliffr5: Another baby coming! #RauraaaaaaaaaaBabyyyyyyyyy

Rylandr5: Oh shit another baby...... #UnclesRule

Rikerr5: Here comes the baby!!! Haha sorry Ross your getting less sleep!

We have even been posting on snapchat a lot!

Ross's pov

"Come on Laura almost there!!!!" The doctor exclaimed. I saw almost half the baby's body out as my eyes filled with tears.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH GET HER OUT OF ME!" Laura screamed and all of a sudden came our baby girl!

"Born November 5th 9:47am!" The doctor said setting our new baby girl on Laura as little cries filled the room.

"You did it!" Mom exclaimed.

The doctor let me cut the cord as he cleaned off the baby on Laura's chest. I couldn't help but let tears escape my eyes. The doctors then had to take her for a minute and clean her off and stuff.

"You did it baby! I'm so proud of you!" I exclaimed pressing my lips to hers.

"That was the sweetest thing ever!" Rydel exclaimed.

"Well here she is!" A nurse exclaimed walking over with the baby wrapped in a pink blanket she she handed her to Laura.

"She is so precious!" Laura exclaimed.

"Yea London Love Lynch is beautiful!" I smiled.

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