Chapter fifty-nine: To Keep you Safe

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Alver was completely distraught after seeing one of the dragons seemingly fall from the hands of the enemies. He knew how much Cale cared for these dragons and as much as possible, he didn't want any of them fighting but in this war, they didn't have a choice.

"Are the communication devices not yet connected?!" Alver asked as he lost patience.

The mages tried their best to connect the devices in the Henituse territory but it was futile. No one could make it work.

Youna-nim, Alver thought as he bit his nail.

On Raon's side, Choi Han and the others gaped at what they saw. The black dragon wanted to take action but Olienne stopped him. Even if they are the mightiest being in the world, Raon cared for his brother like how Cale also cared for them. The green dragon was worried as well, even if they all like living separately, he cared for the red dragon as if he was his child. He was with the red and black dragons since they were still inside their eggs. Maybe Cale's kindness was rubbing off of him, so he treated the two dragons like his real family.

You better be alive, dumb brat, Olienne worriedly thought.

Back in the Henituse Territory, the people braced themselves with what was to come but nothing happened. As the bright light subsided, their eyes immediately searched for the one who shielded them.

Youna couldn't believe his eyes. Warm tears welled up in his eyes but before he could do anything to the person in front of him, the person moved.

"You shouldn't do this in my territory," he said.

"Cale!" Youna called with tears in his eyes.

Cale absorbed all the dead mana that was supposed to eat up the whole territory just in time before Youna got hit by it. It was made possible with the combination of his ancient powers and omnipotence. Due to this, his hair became black. Before he could respond to the red dragon, Cale moved and attacked those who brought harm to his people.

Thread like vines wrapped the bodies of their enemies and restrained them. He didn't wish for their deaths, the enemies will serve as prisoners and the judgment will depend on the King and the patriarch of the territory.

Cale faced Youna and his people. All of them had a surprised look on their faces.

"I guess I'm back?" Cale nervously said. He knew his appearance there would lead to a lot of doubts from everyone since he has been with the enemies for quite a long while.

Cale could see his father and mother in the distance running towards him. His brother might be inside the tower, and Lily might be somewhere safe. He averted his gaze and looked towards the enemies in his grasps. In a flick of his fingers, he could easily kill them off but he decided not to.

As the dead mana continued to move inside him, Cale crouched down because he didn't like the feeling. He needed to purify them, the shackles from the divine were no longer restricting him. Slowly, the dead mana inside him were purified and his hair returned to its original color.

"Cale," Youna called once again. The redhead turned his head and he could see the red dragon and his parents behind him.

"Mother, Dad, Youna," Cale responded.

Before he could say anything else, he found himself from their warm embrace. Overwhelmed in surprise, Cale just buried his face on them.

"Are you alright? Did they do anything to you?" Deruth asked as he carefully checked his son. However, before Cale could answer, his father spotted some things that shouldn't be in his son's body: bruises from being chained down.

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