Chapter fourteen: Back to the salt mines

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During the time Cale wasn't allowed to go out, he once snuck out and that was the time he strode along the plaza in the Capital with the Prince. After that he didn't go out anymore. He was upholding the end of his punishment. Taylor wrote him a letter from time to time and they became good friends in the end. As a result, Cale had started to call him "hyung" as well, as requested (forced) by Taylor. The prince and the king didn't write him a letter after his response which relieved Cale.

The redhead stayed quietly in the estate for months. He reads every newly bought book in the county and sometimes he helps Basen in his studies. He even played with

Lily when he saw fits. At the same time, Cale formulated a lot of plans on how he should take the other ancient powers. That was his goal after his punishment was lifted. He sometimes watched the knights train and he somehow wanted to know how to handle weapons.

Cale also practiced and mastered the usage of his inherited ability, he could now fully control it. He once did it so it wasn't that difficult to master it again. He also discovers a lot of things about his gift. He still does not know the exact name of his gift as it was still blurred in his notes. He also discovered the journal he's using, containing different information about him and his powers and where to find them, actually listed down everything—on its own! He found it convenient as he would discover a lot about himself.

After two months, Cale celebrated his twelfth birthday. He spent his day with his family. The redhead didn't ask for anything grandeur as a present, he just asked his parents for money. A lot of money. He needed the money when he takes the Fire of Destruction. The red dragon, Youna, also came back and he told Cale that he'll be staying by his side even though he will be invisible all the time.

His probation was finally lifted and he could finally continue what he was supposed to be doing. He needed to take the remaining ancient powers. His first target was the Super Rock since it was the nearest. Next would be the Fire of Destruction and lastly would be the Sky Eating Water, which was located in the Eastern Continent.

Cale hopped off his bed and started preparing.

"Youna, are you there?" Cale asked and the red dragon immediately undid his invisibility magic. He was in his human form.

"I'll be going around for several days, will you come with me?" He asked again.

"Of course, human. I'll go wherever you go," he answered.

Cale smiled and immediately took out his copy so he could go out freely.

"Ron," Cale called, then the butler entered his room. His eyes widened when he saw two Cales in front of him and another stranger in his bedroom. He frowned.

"Young Master?"

"Ah, this is my copy. I will be going out for a while to play, Ron. And this is Youna, he will be coming with me so you don't have to worry," Cale confidently answered.

"Yes, you don't have to worry about him. I will make sure he won't get hurt," Youna added. Ron sighed and touched his forehead.

"Young Master, I don't know where you found this young man but I cannot leave you alone," Ron finally responded. Youna transformed back into his dragon form which made Ron even more surprised.

"Are you convinced now? With this mighty dragon's protection, he won't get hurt," Youna replied. Cale just shook his head. He doesn't have any intention of revealing the dragon but he just did it on his own accord.

"So, Ron, can you let me? Don't tell this to my father. Also, I will leave this copy of mine so they won't suspect I am gone," Cale interjected.

Ron couldn't help but be worried. He didn't know what his puppy Young Master was planning and the redhead doesn't have any intention of disclosing it.

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